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Old September 30th, 2005, 01:39 AM   #1
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HC1 with FCP5 offline editing

Please, nobody yell at me.

Has anybody troubleshot capturing HC1 footage with FCP5? I am having trouble capturing HDV footage.

If I go into the HC1 menu and choose HDV->DV in iLink conversion, I am able to capture footage at offline (PhotoJPEG) resolution, HOWEVER, I am not able to capture HDV using the Log and Capture window.

My ultimate aim is to edit at PhotoJPEG resolution and batch capture HDV at the end, however, my intermediate goal is to capture HDV in any way possible.

Has anyone been through this? Can anybody tell me the appropriate settings on both the cam and Final Cut Pro 5?

Thanks in advance, Steve
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Old September 30th, 2005, 09:27 AM   #2
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HI. I'm using an A1E and FCP5.

I connected the camera via firewire, selected an easy setup in FCP - the "HDV1080i50" option (as I'm in the uk and shooting PAL), went into log & capture, and it all worked fine.

What exactly is going wrong?

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Old October 1st, 2005, 08:03 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Steve Watnet
Please, nobody yell at me.

Has anybody troubleshot capturing HC1 footage with FCP5? I am having trouble capturing HDV footage.

Thanks in advance, Steve
Steve, it's probably because your tape time code is not printed at the begining of the tape. Go a little further and it will probably work well.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 08:34 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Michel Andrieu
Steve, it's probably because your tape time code is not printed at the begining of the tape. Go a little further and it will probably work well.
to add Michel's post,

Sony HDV cams needs more than 5 seconds to locate and preroll for the capturing.
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Old October 12th, 2005, 08:36 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Steve Watnet
Please, nobody yell at me.

Has anybody troubleshot capturing HC1 footage with FCP5? I am having trouble capturing HDV footage.

If I go into the HC1 menu and choose HDV->DV in iLink conversion, I am able to capture footage at offline (PhotoJPEG) resolution, HOWEVER, I am not able to capture HDV using the Log and Capture window.

My ultimate aim is to edit at PhotoJPEG resolution and batch capture HDV at the end, however, my intermediate goal is to capture HDV in any way possible.

Has anyone been through this? Can anybody tell me the appropriate settings on both the cam and Final Cut Pro 5?

Thanks in advance, Steve
For offline editing (I'm sure I talked about this in the FCP thread), you can set your HC1 in the DV downconversion mode and capture the footage at DV or even at DVoffline, do the rough edit and use the mediamanager to convert the timeline for HDV. Even works with multicam setting. It's works beautifully for me.
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Old October 13th, 2005, 05:36 PM   #6
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well, just to clarify, I haven't gotten anywhere capturing HDV at all, but I have been able to make some small progress short of that.

I am running FCP 5.0.2; there are no software updates available in the Apple software updater.

Here is where I am at now: on the HC1, I have VCR HDV/DV set to HDV, and i.LINK CONV set to "OFF".

In FCP, in the Audio/Video Settings, Sequence, Capture and Device Control Presets are all set to HDV.

When I open the Log and Capture window, I can control the camera from the Log and Capture window, but I cannot see any video in the Log and Capture window.

If I start the video playing, and then press the Capture Now button in the Log and Capture window, I get an error which says "Log and Capture window".

This is but one of many ways in which I have not been able to download HDV. I have tried all manner of settings, and encountered an equal number of ways in which HDV fails to get captued.

Any clues?
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Old October 13th, 2005, 06:52 PM   #7
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a few more pieces of info

The problem seems, in some regard, to be related to timecode.

For example, in the Log and Capture window, if I set my in point at 00:02:45;28 and then my out point as 00:02:50;03, then log the clip, and then use the Batch Capture button to capture the clip while it's highlighted in the Browser, unusual things start occuring as regard the in and out points.

The first weird thing that happens is that the in point assumes the same value as the out point--that is to say, both the in and the out point assume the same value--00:02:50;03. This only happens, however, in the in the Log and Capture window.

Then, even though the camera's play head is oriented very near the capture points, the camera isn't able to queue itself properly. FCP5 seems to send the signal to the camera to go to the in point, but the camera itself isn't able to find the in point, even though the playhead is oriented in close proximity to both the in and out points. I am led to believe that perhaps there is a bug whereby the in point is somehow getting lost somehow at this stage. I am able to watch the camera confusedly failing to find the in point from the camera itself, but as stated in the previous post, no video appears in the in the Log and Capture window.

Then, when examining the uncaptured clip in the browser, while the In and Out point values in the In and Out columns say "Not Set", clicking on the words "Not Set" reveal the original in and out points (not the modified values where both the in and out points assume the value of the out point).

Control clicking the clip to reveal the Timing tab within the Item Properties dialog box show also that the in and out points remain unmolested (the "media start" and "media end" values accurately reflect the original in and out points).

Finally, throughout all of this, FCP5 is constantly "quitting unexpectedly".
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Old October 14th, 2005, 08:23 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Steve Watnet
Finally, throughout all of this, FCP5 is constantly "quitting unexpectedly".FCP5 seems to send the signal to the camera to go to the in point, but the camera itself isn't able to find the in point, even though the playhead is oriented in close proximity to both the in and out points. I am led to believe that perhaps there is a bug whereby the in point is somehow getting lost somehow at this stage. I am able to watch the camera confusedly failing to find the in point from the camera itself, but as stated in the previous post, no video appears in the in the Log and Capture window.
Steve, this rings a bell. I remember a similar problem when I first tried to capture HDV from my A1E. FCP5 seems to need a very large pre-roll before it recognises the in point when capturing in native HDV. If you're setting your in point at 00:02:45;28, try rolling the tape back 20 seconds before you hit capture (ten maybe enough but I'd err on the safe side until you get it to work).

Let me know how you get on.

Last edited by Sean Crotty; October 15th, 2005 at 05:49 AM.
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Old October 18th, 2005, 03:12 PM   #9
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This didn't work; no matter how far back I go, how long or short the clip is, which button I hit, FCP5 won't capture HDV footage.

I got this version of FCP5 from TV show production company I won't mention--apparently it was an advance build. I'm wondering if this build of FCP5 is buggy or something. The TV show in question doesn't use HDV at all, so they wouldn't have encountered this problem, if it is indeed a problem with the software build.
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Old October 19th, 2005, 03:44 PM   #10
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I am having a similar problem with my A1 and FCP 5. In the easy setup when I select any HD setting, I get an error message in the log and capture window. The only way I can bring my HDV material into FCP5 is if I use DV NTSC in the easy set up list. Does this mean that I am not editing HDV but instead editing DV ?
Thanks is advance for you assistance.
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Old January 21st, 2006, 10:53 PM   #11
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Same problem

I'm having the same problem with FCP 5 and the HC1- can't capture and video at all. I tried using the very latest imovie (Ver. 6) and I can capture video but no sound. I have a Japanese model of the camera with all menu items in Japanese so it's a bit difficult to navigate. I'm wondering if there is any special setting I need to select for the audio portion when connecting to a computer? I'll get cracking some more and try to figure out what's gong wrong here.
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Old April 3rd, 2006, 07:32 AM   #12
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similar problem

I had a similar problem when capturing HD. I am using the HC1 and FinalCut 5 as well. I got it to work by choosing the 1080i50 25fps easy setup. After doing his the log and capture window itself changed appearance, apparently some special Sony/FinalCut feature for capturing Sony HDV. Maybe you guys have this figured out by now, but anyway.
Now, the problem I have is that all video captured by the above mentioned procedure appears as unrendered in the sequence. How can this be? Isn't the very purpose of easy setup to make capture and sequence parameters match?
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Old May 2nd, 2006, 07:50 PM   #13
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Same problem... Any solution yet?

I have exactly the same problem. It worked once however (images captured in OfflineRT HD and no rendering needed) but never again although I thought I did not change any specification...
Does anyone has a solution by now?
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