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Old September 22nd, 2011, 08:50 PM   #1
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GoPro footage in FCP

There doesn't seem to be a way of importing the files RAW, meaning that adjusting the alignment of clips means a red line render before you can view changes. This is a real pain in the arse.

Does anyone have any tips on how to make this easier, or is there a way of importing the GoPro footage RAW data instead of the default setting of MOV files?
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Old September 23rd, 2011, 07:26 PM   #2
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Re: GoPro footage in FCP

Okay I've had to find out the answer to this most valid question by other means, the GoPro Facebook page of all things, but for the sake of people with the same issue who find this thread in the future, let me offer this:

Batch convert the files to Apple ProRes LT using Mpeg Streamclip

I've tried editing GoPro HD footage in both Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere.

Both have major issues with the files produced by the GoPro (files dont open, they open but playback/scrubbing performance is poor, they import but just show as green, they dont work at all with Multiclip/Multicamera modes, premiere even corrupts the source files when trying to import sometimes, premiere wont open the files unless you rename them .mov and even then wont open the 1080p files at all and this is on both mac and pc, plus various other issues).

This is what i've now settled on for a work flow:

Get my files off the GoPro unit > Batch convert the files to Apple ProRes LT using Mpeg Streamclip (has to be done on the mac) > Enjoy sooth, fast and and error free editing within Final Cut Pro.

Keeping the files as Mp4's makes editing some sort of hellish nightmare, once converted to ProRes though, it's a joy.
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Old September 24th, 2011, 01:53 PM   #3
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Re: GoPro footage in FCP

Prior to using the GoPro, what camcorder was producing footage that did not have to be transcoded to ProRes?

I ask because I like that aspect of my HM100 and I'm wondering what other camcorders shoot to files that can be dropped right into Final Cut without transcoding?
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Old February 22nd, 2012, 08:58 AM   #4
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Re: GoPro footage in FCP

When converting from MPEG Streamclip I get the following:
(trying to edit in FCP with macbook pro 10.6)

original MP4 - 601.8MB
MOV - 5.74 GB
HQ - 8.49 GB
LT - 3.86 GB
PROXY - 1.72 GB

I have followed the instructions off Gopro website, is there something I am missing?
files seem to i wrong about that?

If I am forgetting any information please let me know, Thank you !
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Old February 22nd, 2012, 02:14 PM   #5
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Re: GoPro footage in FCP

The whole point of transcoding to ProRes is you end up with a file that doesn't require decoding on the timeline, or at least not much ... consequently the files are very large. Even an older processor can work with large files with minimal compression -- I routinely use an old MBP while on the road, and it can handle a couple of tracks of ProRes LT files on the timeline without any issue.

I haven't done the math on your files, but the data rate for ProRes LT is over a 100Mb/s for 1920x1080, so you end up with something like 750MB for every minute, a five or six minute file would be almost 4GB.

Given that a terabyte drive would hold more than fifteen hours of such files, and cost something like $75, it would seem the way to go.

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Old February 22nd, 2012, 09:22 PM   #6
New Boot
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Re: GoPro footage in FCP

thank you very much for the information... it was driving me crazy!
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