XDCAM EX Clip Browser export formats at DVinfo.net
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Old October 13th, 2010, 02:29 PM   #1
New Boot
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Location: El Paso, TX
Posts: 18
XDCAM EX Clip Browser export formats

Good day.

I've been working with the EX1 system for a while now. I always use XDCAM Transfer to convert my footage to an editable format in FCP. So far, I've never had a problem with the MOV files. The other day, someone asked me if I've ever used XDCAM EX Clip Browser as an alternative method to import and convert my footage for FCP. I've never done so, but it got me curious. I then launched Clip Browser and noticed that it has different export options. They are:

MXF for NLEs
... and so on.

My questions are: How do these compare to the MOV files that XDCAM Transfer produce? Which one of these is best for FCP?

I shoot with the PMW-EX1 and I edit with FCP v6.0.X.

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
Fernando Kanano is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 16th, 2010, 01:52 PM   #2
Vortex Media
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Clip Browser should only be used to backup and archive your native XDCAM EX clips in the BPAV folder. It should not be used to try and import your footage into Final Cut Pro.

You're already using XDCAM Transfer for import, so just keep doing what you are doing.

However, if you're not also backing up your original raw BPAV folders with Clip Browser, then you are not following the recommended and safest workflow.

You should be doing two things with all your footage:

Step 1) Backup and archive with Clip Browser. Put those files on a hard drive for safe keeping. Those are like film negatives.

Step 2) Use XDCAM Transfer to import your footage as MOV files into FCP. The source for that import can be the SxS cards themselves or the backups you made in step 1.

I hope that helps. If you want more details than that, please see my EX1 or EX3 training DVDs.
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Old October 16th, 2010, 09:31 PM   #3
Major Player
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Hi Fernando

As Doug notes, MXF export options in Clip Browser are not intended for an FCP based workflow, stick with XDCAM Transfer for import for now (or the Sony XDCAM EX Log and Transfer plugin for FCP). Regarding Clip Browser, keep in mind that Sony have just introduced a brand new software called simply "XDCAM Browser" (or XDB). This new app release is intended to consolidate the various XDCAM helper apps available from Sony into a single unified app so as to make things a tad easier for the user (and no doubt a lot easier to support for Sony). In the initial 1.0 release it's not yet fully functional, meaning it doesn't yet offer complete feature parity and/or the advantages of the individually available helper apps .. but you may want to grab it anyway.

The latest versions of the various Sony XDCAM apps, including XDB, can be grabbed here:

And in addition to Doug's advice, if you need any more info or details you should check out DVinfo's XDCAM EX forum too, it's a superb resource with a wealth of expert user experience to offer.
Sony XDCAM EX CineAlta Forum at DVinfo.net

Hope it helps
Andy Mees is offline   Reply With Quote
Old October 21st, 2010, 11:52 AM   #4
New Boot
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: El Paso, TX
Posts: 18
Thank you

Thanks a lot guys. That was very informative and it definitely made it all clear. I'm downloading XDCAM Browser right now, so I'll give it a try later this evening. It's good that Sony finally came out with a more practical software. I usually keep on eye on updates and new software, but this one passed my by without noticing. Hopefully they'll release a fully functional version. For now I guess this should work.

Once again, thank you very much for your help and insight.

Fernando Kanano is offline   Reply

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