Final Cut and Premiere Pro Sharing ? What's the best way at
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Old September 13th, 2010, 07:24 AM   #1
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Final Cut and Premiere Pro Sharing ? What's the best way

I need some expert advice. Can someone comment on how best to share work from two editors.. when one is using Premier Pro CS5 and the other is using Final Cut Suite 3. I need to accept a finished (edited) movie from a PPRO editor, include on my Final Cut timeline, along with other movies that have been created in final cut. I would then add chapter markers... save as a quicktime movie, load into compressor, convert for DVD production, pull into DVD Studio pro, and create a menu system, stories, chapters etc.

Here is my problem... what rendered output form Premier Pro CS5 should I ask the remote editor to produce, if I want to drop it onto a final cut time line?

Also, what I'd really like to do is to share xml files with the remote editor... So that he could simply "email" me the project file, and I could open it in Final Cut, and render out the entire timeline once I have combined it with my contributions to the project... but the workflow is a bit challenging.....

We shoot everything with in Sony AVCHD. For me (FCP) that means transcoding to Prores422... I use Prores422(lt). The remote editor is not transcoding, but using the mts files natively on the PPRO timeline. I suspect that in order for an xml file to be shared that we'd have to be using the same type of source media on the timeline am I right...

Surely, ( I know, don't call me shirley:-) ), there is someone out their that effective shares files between these two editing suites. I am willing to take a rendered out file from PPRO, but I suspect there is a better way...

The only thing I have been able to do is to take a mpeg file output from PPRO, and then using compressor transcode to a prores and add to my timeline....

LifeSong Video Productions, LLC
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Old September 13th, 2010, 01:58 PM   #2
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Premier Pro on a PC? If it's on a Mac, the editor can export ProRes files. Those will drop into your Final Cut project with little problem. Exporting from a PC, I'm not sure if you can get ProRes (avi is what I have gotten from PC Premier users in the past) although I know that you can read ProRes on a PC with a QuickTime extension. I would avoid mpeg if you can.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old September 13th, 2010, 08:24 PM   #3
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From CS5: File > Export > Final Cut Pro XML - I haven't tried CS5 to FCP, but FCP to CS5 has been very edit friendly. Main thing is to make sure your video files are perfectly mirrored on both systems.

For your current setup, a simple straight forward way is to use ClipWrap to re-wrap the MTS files to Mac compatible .mov files. Then the Mac side can transcode those AVCHD files into ProRes if that's how they prefer to work.

Or you could transcode everything to ProRes, Cineform, or DNxHD and have everyone work on the same files.
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