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Old May 19th, 2010, 05:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: jax fl.
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DVD Studio Pro Keeping menus in HD export

I have made a project with menus and HD footage with a slide show in the program. It works very well! I can burn a Standard Def. project OK. But there is no way to burn a Blu-ray project and keep the work with all the menus etc. that I have done in DVD Pro.

It seems a shame to create this with the HD settings in the program and find out that this assumption is false. if it can't be done why have the option in the first place? Just give the SD option.

Is there a way to do this?

I have Formated the project as HD and use the folder in Toast Titanium with a Blu-Ray plugin only to find out that doesn't work either.

Thanks for any help

The Bucket
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Old May 19th, 2010, 06:02 PM   #2
Go Go Godzilla
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Welcome to the forums, Leo.

I guess you've been out of the loop on this but DVD SP 4 doesn't doesn't support BR at all. You can burn a "track only" video to BR from the "share" option in Compressor (FCP7) but that's it. It's basically the same functionality as the Toast BR plug-in for Titanium.

Adobe Encore will allow you to do simple BR menu and authoring with some limited extras functionality but you can't do it to nearly the same level as you can for an SD-DVD in DVD SP 4. And once you've finished your project you still can't view it on a Mac anyway as the OS doesn't support BR playback at all, period. So you'd need an external set-top BR player or, install a BR burner in your Mac and use BootCamp/Windows to play it back.

If you're looking for all the cool functionality you've most likely created in your DVDSP 4 project to be transferred to a BR project, you can't do it on a Mac. Not now and most likely not anytime in the near future if Steve Jobs continues his "bag of hurt" tirade against BR.

Sucks, but that's the way it is in Mac-land for now.
Robert Lane is offline   Reply

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