audio out of sync into FCP 7 from XH-A1 at
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Old May 9th, 2010, 08:39 AM   #1
Unregistered Guest
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audio out of sync into FCP 7 from XH-A1

I just captured an SD tape from my Canon XH-A1 to my new MBP into FCP 7.02 and I noticed that the audio was out of sync by 13 frames. If I monitor the video on the XH-A1's LCD screen, audio and video is in sync, it's when it's captured to FCP it goes out. The QuickTime file in the Capture Scratch folder is also out of sync by 13 frames, so it doesn't appear to be FCP causing the problem I'm guessing. Other SD and HD tapes from the XH-A1 capture in sync with no problem. All settings are the same as they always are (both on the camera & in FCP). Any ideas what might cause something like this? I had to adjust the audio track to sync with the video track manually in the FCP timeline to compensate. Could this be a FireWire chipset problem on the new i7 MBP causing some data streaming problem? Apple Support doesn't have a clue.


I tried capturing the same tape in my XH-A1 to my 2006 MBP using FCP 7.02 and the video and audio sync perfectly.

Last edited by Unregistered Guest; May 9th, 2010 at 08:30 PM.
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Old May 14th, 2010, 11:37 AM   #2
Major Player
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Location: Whidbey Is, WA
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I'm having the same problem on a mac pro, but the synch seems to be on in part of the clip & off on other parts of the same clip.

Recaptured, and seems to be okay, but this is a dance performance, so there's no way I can know what's what. My daughter was the one that noticed it on the test DVD, (thank God I didn't burn the 100 copies) but she can only spot it on the dances she knows.

Seems to be just this one clip, but who knows???

Any help???
Will call Apple right now, but thought I'd put it out here as well
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Old May 14th, 2010, 02:45 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Are you capturing to the internal drive? And is the drive more than 70% full? This can cause this problem. Many years ago I had this problem with a G4 when the drives would start to fill up and the data would get very fragmented.

A glitch in the tape can also cause this problem. Capturing around the bad point solves the problem.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old May 14th, 2010, 11:00 PM   #4
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No, 650Gbs open on a 1.5Tb internal drive #2, & it's only about 2 months old.

Anyway, Recaptured and everything seems to be in synch this time.

I did have a glitch in the tape, but did capture around it. 13 tapes captured, and it seems like this one tape was the only one that I had an issue with, so it could be the tape, although the second capture was fine.

The only thing Apple suggested was to reinstall FCP.

The comedy about it was that my wife was watching over an HV30 set up for a wide static shot, and she went to turn the exposure down & turned the mic completely off. If I'd have had sound on the second camera, it wouldn't have been a very big deal.

Thanks William, good things to know.
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