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Old July 16th, 2005, 09:14 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1
Join Sequences (Final Cut)

Hello my name is Alejandro (-.-).
Well I've been doing some editing in Final Cut, but im a really novice on Mac and worst in Final Cut, but i dome effort to get the things well done :D.
My question is that I have done all the sequences of my Short Film, but now i need to join them, I do them by (File>New>Sequence), but i cant find something "join sequences", can you tell me how to this? I did the film by sequences becouse i know that when you have your complete movie, if you edit a sequences is also edited in the movie, without having to do in both of them.
So how can i do it?
Oh i was forgiving something, does FC works with 5.1 surround sound? or i have to do all the sound in a different program?

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Old July 16th, 2005, 03:21 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mays Landing, NJ
Posts: 11,802
Hi Alejandro and welcome to DVinfo!

I'm not sure there is a "join sequences" command of any sort in FCP, but you can easily accomplish the same thing in a couple ways. Ultimately you will want to create one project which contains all the sequences used in the movie however.

So create a new master project and do one of these things:

1. Open each project containing a sequence you want, and drag that sequence into the new project usings separate windows in the file browser. Repeat for each sequence that you need. Now close everything but the master project. You will now have all the sequences you need in the browser and you can drag them to the timeline to make the complete movie.

2. Another way is to open each project that contains a needed sequence, open that sequence, select it and copy it. Now click on your sequence in the master project and simply paste it in place. Repeat until all the individual sequences are added to the master project's main sequence. If you do it this way then none of these individual sequences will even appear in the browser of the master project.

There are a few other ways that are pretty much variations on the two approaches above. But the nice thing about FCP is that it "understands" what you want to do when you either drag or copy/paste sequences between multiple projects.

Note however that the master project you create will be independent of the individual projects which originally contained the separate sequences. So if you open those individual projects later and make changes, those changes will not appear in the master project. Conversely, if you change things in the master project it won't affect the sequences in the individual ones.

Regarding the audio question.... sorry, I don't know. Have never worked with surround sound...
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