importing - with multiple cameras, settings, and for the first time... at
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Discussing the editing of all formats with FCS, FCP, FCE

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Old March 9th, 2010, 10:48 PM   #1
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importing - with multiple cameras, settings, and for the first time...

Hi guys,

I'm fairly new to editing on Final Cut Express, or editing in general. At least up until now, things have been quite simple....

anyways, I recently shot a video with my new XH-A1s (24f and 60i) (1080i) and my old camera Sony DCR-TRV940 (SD)

In the past when just shooting with the Sony (16:9) i would have my "easy setup..." (in FCE) at "NTSC Anamorphic" - i did this because this is what my Apple one-to-one guy told me to do. not really understanding completely why...

first question - is that even what i should have used?

second - for the most recent video, with the xh-a1s, its obviously shot in HD - what settings should i use in "easy setup" with the various settings and cameras? my understanding according to the apple guy was you can almost put it as anything and FCE does a pretty good job working with all formats. i took a look at the HD "easy setup" section and dont really fully understand all the differences (eg. AVCHD vs HDV, etc)

third - is there anything else i should be aware of or set up before i import the videos and begin editing? or anything i should be aware of in the initial set up that will effect the final product when being exported, (the video will primarily be used online)?

sorry if these questions seem dumb or dont make sense, or NOOBish haha. cause i am. i dont fully understand on the technical formats and codecs quite yet, but am eager to learn. thanks in advanced for all the help - this forum has been a godsend ever since i've discovered it.
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Old March 12th, 2010, 03:46 PM   #2
Regular Crew
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Canada
Posts: 31
i dont know if this may help with an answer, but for those who only have FCP and dont know the settings in FCE...these are my options...

AVCHD Apple Intermediate Codec 1440x1080i50
AVCHD Apple Intermediate Codec 1440x1080i60
AVCHD Apple Intermediate Codec 1920x1080i50
AVCHD Apple Intermediate Codec 1920x1080i60
HDV Apple Intermediate Codec 1080i50
HDV Apple Intermediate Codec 1080i60
HDV Apple Intermediate Codec 720p25
HDV Apple Intermediate Codec 720p30

my initial feeling was to use the HDV 1080i60 im just not sure though if it will be problematic with the 24p and 30p footage. i know FCE, unlike FCP, doesnt have a 24p or 30p mode so its a bit confusing.
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