Encoding for web HD from FC5. NEED help! at DVinfo.net
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Old July 4th, 2005, 12:21 AM   #1
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Encoding for web HD from FC5. NEED help!

Hey guys I have an absolute beautiful film I think anyone interested in the capabilities of the Z1U would like to see.

I am using the easy setup in Final Cut, HDV 1080i60. I also have the new QuickTime pro for encoding if needed. I would like the sizes to be reasonable I can go up to 38 megabytes per minute. Slightly more if it’s worth it. I want amazing quality.

please give good directions as encoding on a mac is very new to me. Normally I use windows encoding but I herd this new H462? looked great.

Alright thank you for your time! Hope you enjoy the final video!


Also I want to know if you wouldn’t mind telling me a good way to encode something easier for people with slow modems(maybe around 10 megs min.

I also have a PC and would like to render something windows users can enjoy fully. But I need a way to get a perfect quality of video, something PC likes to encode to WMV.
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Old July 4th, 2005, 10:01 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Posts: 1,382

I did some encoding of HDV edits to H.264 with both streaming and fast start, but I was not able to come up with good encoding for streaming format.

Fast start format is good. You can see it Here

The streaming footage I tested could be accessed here, but they would not be play back too well. Also, to play these streaming footage for the first time, the screen shows only blank white. I have to close the window once and click the link on the webpage again to play back. I don't know why.

All of these are encoded with the presets from the Compressor 2 that comes with FCP5. The file is streaming through our Tiger Server with QuickTime Streaming Server.
Does anyone know how Apple compressed the keynote with streaming so good? I want to know, too.
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