looking for conrtol surface for final cut at DVinfo.net
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Old January 10th, 2010, 01:34 PM   #1
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looking for conrtol surface for final cut

After having my tascam fw 1082 bit the dust or whatever the problem is which tascams support sucks. I'm looking for another control surface to do mixing and voiceovers with.

Any help or suggestions, much appreciated..
sorry about misspelling control up top
i'm a little peturbed if u know what i mean!!!!!!!!!
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Old January 10th, 2010, 02:30 PM   #2
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Take a look at the Euphonix offerings... MC Control, MC Transport and MC Color.
They are reasonably priced, as things go, reliable and effective. I can speak for the MC Control and MC Transport, both of which I use on a regular basis and have grown to depend upon. At the present time I have been using both with FCP7 and Logic 9 but the device is templated for many others and is programmable for those that may not be included in the Euphonix software, such as AfterEffects.


Guess I read your post too quickly and overlooked the voice-over requirement, So, if you requirements include XLR inputs, preamps and the like, these units will not suffice unless you have a secondary outboard mixer or an AD/DA converter.
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Old January 11th, 2010, 01:39 AM   #3
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I hate to disagree with Ron but my experience with Euphonix has been nasty.
The MC transport I purchased for FCP7 is collecting dust on next to my tv.
Their software is unstable, the detection process is unreliable, guaranteed functionality on the box (timecode display) isn't supported and will never be. When I called in to support, they didn't even have a unit to test with!

Generally, for voice over, all you'll need is an audio interface and I'll assume you're using the Voice Over tool in FCP. If so, getting a controller will be extemporaneous.

If you do go the controller route - Mackie is the only other controller that has native FCP 7 support (beside Euphonix's supposed support).

Look at BlackMagic, AJA or Matrox for interface which allow for XLR connections. A good pre-amp will help too- I use this one with amazing results: Langevin Dual Vocal Combo | Studio Economik, Canada

Hope this helps,
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Old January 12th, 2010, 10:42 AM   #4
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Interesting experience but one that I cannot concur with.

I don't know if you have kept up with the software/firmware updates but with the latest of both I have found the two units, MC Control and MC Transport, to be quite reliable. True, the time code issue has not yet been resolved for FCP7 or Soundtrack and MC Transport but it works well with Logic 9 which suggests that the problem lies not with the device but with absent software hooks in FCP7 Studio components. I am running the two devices on an Intel/Mac 8 core with Leopard (not snow leopard). What is your configuration?

BTW, the OP mentioned that he is in search of "surface controller." Perhaps he is actually in need of something else.

All of my voice-overs are done in a separate sound studio and then ported to the video editing suite in file format. We use primarily Avalon preamps, Nuendo 4, WK Audio ID surface controller and various and sundry sound producing and altering hardware devices; all in a PC environment.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 08:08 PM   #5
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I'll Have to agree with Christopher. My Euphonix Mc control has been spotty at best. I purchased it to replace my Frontier Designs Tranzport and I have to say the the Euphonix is getting returned and my Tranzport is staying.

Euphonix tech support has been reasonably but the unit just does not perform as promised.
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Old January 14th, 2010, 08:54 PM   #6
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Before the holidays I did some research on the Euphonix simply because I had many people asking me to get a review done one of their devices.

When I asked around the Burbank/Hollywood area retailers and other users the negative feedback outweighed the positive by a margin of 4 to 1 with complaints ranging from lack of support to driver/connectivity issues being wonky.

I've never used any control surfaces myself (although I often wanted one for using Color) but there's no compelling reason to buy into the Euphonix lineup until they sort out their issues.
Robert Lane is offline   Reply

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