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Old November 30th, 2009, 01:41 PM   #1
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FCP - Changing capture disks issues

I edit on a Mac Book Pro and I use an external hard drive as my capture disk. Once in awhile I need to capture out in the field without my external hard drive. I change the capture disk to a folder on the laptop. When I try to go back to the external it's always difficult. FCP seems to create new folders within my existing "Final Cut Pro Documents" folder (render files, audio render files, etc).

Is there any way to make a smooth transition between capture disks? Or do I have to manually do it every time (and correct it when it tries to make new folders when they already exist. I end up with "Render Files" inside "Render Files").
Jesse Morgan is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 1st, 2009, 07:55 AM   #2
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I had the same problem when I left my mini G-Raid home. This created problems and I now always bring my mini Raid if I have to capture with FC.

Yes I think you have to do it manually every time.
Paul Cronin
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Old December 1st, 2009, 01:09 PM   #3
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No NLE is designed to handle changing out it's capture-scratch or other file locations routinely as the core libraries are always assuming these locations are "fixed" and are never altered. Changes of this type can easily cause and are the source of many a corrupt project file and sequence, which you want to avoid like the plague.

If you're in an environment that requires you to be mobile then having an external HDD that is dedicated to the task and paired with your laptop is the best way to go regardless what the NLE package or platform.

Or, you could go the extra-mile and install one of the recently released internal HDD kits that replace the internal Superdrive in a Macbook Pro with a second 2.5" inch HDD. This would allow you the benefit of a dedicated capture-scratch HDD without the hassles of lugging around the added HDD enclosure, power supply, cables, magic-fairy dust etc. Just be sure you fully understand the implications of this type of hardware DIY project and by all means, hit us up here on the forum if things get wonky.

(Magic-fairy dust fixes everything and is abundant here in the forums, by the way.)
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Old December 21st, 2009, 06:27 PM   #4
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Wanted to write you a while ago, now my account got finally activated :-)

Originally Posted by Jesse Morgan View Post
Is there any way to make a smooth transition between capture disks?
The most elegant -actually the only- way I know of involves the excellent little freeware tool Preference Manager. Make a backup of each capture disk setting you need, and simply restore each time you change your configuration. You can make an alias of the backup on your desktop -> double click and hit the spacebar -> done.

The Preference Manager is also very good for situations you mistype a shortcut and screw up a setting you can't find and are in a hurry... Saved me a couple of times in a live TV setup where seconds mattered.
Shamol Majumder is offline   Reply

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