connect dv deck to tv...everything is b/w?? at
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Old June 27th, 2005, 07:46 PM   #1
New Boot
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Posts: 5
connect dv deck to tv...everything is b/w??

I have a short (and maybe) stupid question.
I am trying to review my final cut pro project on the tv, so I recorded it back onto my mini dv deck. when I connect it to the TV everything is b/w?!
both the tv and the deck have the white/yellow/red cables. I put just the red and white in (at both sides) and then connected the video cable to both. sound and image are fine sother than that there is no color.
could anyone help me please!!
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Old June 27th, 2005, 08:58 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Is the video cable a S-video cable by any chance? It looks like:

From your message it seems like you are using RCA cables, so that may not be it.

2- Is there a digital effect happening on your DV deck? as in sepia, negative, b+w

Last edited by Glenn Chan; June 28th, 2005 at 06:56 AM.
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Old June 27th, 2005, 11:23 PM   #3
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You need to establish where the problem lies.

Between computer and tape deck, or between tape deck and tv monitor.

Try checking the playback tape on another machine e.g. your camera. If it's colour then everythings OK between computer and deck. If it's black and white it may be due to the way settings are set on your editing software, or some other problem.

To check the deck/monitor try playing the tape out of your camera, or try playing another tape from your deck you know is in colour.

(It's not a stupid question. This is what the board is for)
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Old June 28th, 2005, 07:32 AM   #4
New Boot
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still trying...not working

hi Glen and Owen,
thanks for helping me out.
When I play the tape, the deck monitor shows it correctly in color, no digital effects. Thats why I assume that the connection to the tv must be wrong.
I use the s- cable (from deck to TV) AND the RCA cables (RCA on both sides), is that wrong? I tied using just the RCA (with the yellow one) and no s-cable, but then I have no image at all. unfortunately I don't have my camera in the next 2 weeks so I don't have the option of connecting it to the tv.
thanks for your ideas to that!
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Old June 28th, 2005, 10:42 AM   #5
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sounds like your s-video cable. svideo cables carry the luminance signal on one wire and the color signal on the other, so a bad cable will often cause a b/w image. check the four little pins at each end of the cable and make sure they look straight and not bent or crushed. if they are a little bent you can sometimes re-adjust them with a needlenose pliers. otherwise, get a new cable.

i'm a little confused about why the composite (rca) signal is no good though. is it possible that either the deck or tv needs to be set to s-video in a menu? i don't know what deck you're using but if it has a built in monitor i'm guessing it's the little sony one. (something-1000, i think?) anyhow, i believe the video outputs are active on both connections with those. so go into your tv's menu and see if the L1 or L2 (or whatever) input can be switched from rca to svideo. (sometimes tv menus will refer to the composite/rca input as "video," and you can toggle between video and s-video.) also, make sure that the s-video is not plugged into either device when you're trying to go the rca route.
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Old June 28th, 2005, 03:10 PM   #6
New Boot
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Posts: 5

hi Nate,
thank you so much much much!!!!! I almost couldn't believe it when I looked into my s-video cable and saw that one of the little metal sticks was totally bent.... and now I am looking at a color tv hehe.
thanks everybody for taking care of me!
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Old June 28th, 2005, 04:21 PM   #7
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Hi Nathalie,

It's been a pleasure. Great board eh?
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