Blu-ray on FCP, extra copy at
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Old October 28th, 2009, 02:50 PM   #1
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Blu-ray on FCP, extra copy


So new FCP has option to export bluray-great / after 2h on new MacPro I got an hour 2K film down-sampled and bluray written, checked all is ok, now I want to make another copy but all that remains are ac3 and h264 file in my documents folder - how can I make another copy of the disc without going to transcode this AGAIN?

thank You
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Old October 28th, 2009, 03:47 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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You'll have to use Toast to either make a copy of the first disk or a new disk from the files. If that's not possible then unfortunately you'll have to re-transcode.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old October 28th, 2009, 08:33 PM   #3
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Yes you need to make a disc image and then burn more BD's from that.

We use Discribe Bravo 7 it works very well with the Primara disc duplication system. It prints the labels on the discs for you as well. It makes the disc image for you and you can keep it for future burns.

We are actually burning our own BD's as well as standard DVD's and CD's, for clients who need just a few hundred or maybe a few thousand over a few years. They can order just 10 at a time or 500 if they want. They love this service.

It currently costs almost $2,000.00 for 1,000 DVD's from a duplicator (with all the printing, setup fees etc etc) and BluRays are $22.00 ea for a hundred. We can really beat those prices in house with our duplicator. And yes we even have a shrink wrapper.
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Old October 29th, 2009, 01:09 PM   #4
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So can you just go into Disk Utility and create a disk image on the Mac? And then press another disk, like you can with a plan 'ol DVD?

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Old October 29th, 2009, 05:29 PM   #5
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"So can you just go into Disk Utility and create a disk image on the Mac? And then press another disk, like you can with a plan 'ol DVD?"

I have not tried that. But give it a shot. BD's are UDF (2.6 is current). I don't know if DiscUtility will write that format. I know Toast and Discribe does.

Give it a shot and report back. You will have to test on a number of BluRay players to see if they will read the discs..

I have found that a lot of older Sharp Players don't accept BD's created this way. But even old (4 years) Sony and Samsung and Panasonics have no problems.
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Old October 30th, 2009, 09:13 AM   #6
Major Player
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Hi Olof,

Unfortunately I don't have a BR burner as of yet. I was just curious if making copies of BRD were as straight forward as creating any other disk image.

My guess is if there isn't one already, there will be some utility that aids in accomplishing this.

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