Can you hear me now? Audio using FCP/G5 at
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Old June 16th, 2005, 08:06 AM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Yonkers, NY
Posts: 21
Can you hear me now? Audio using FCP/G5

The answer to this newbie question is undoubtedly simple, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. The books (Apple and FCP) say to hook up audio monitoring speakers to the VCR, not to the computer.

When I do this (using Tapco powered monitors) I can not get audio from the deck (JVC SR-VS30). I have read and re-read instructions for the G5, FCP and deck to no avail.

When I hook up the speakers to the G5 audio out, I get perfect audio, although the books seem to suggest this setup might lead to synch problems. Help!
Gary Miller is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 16th, 2005, 09:54 AM   #2
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It's up to you where you hook up your audio. But if it was me, I would make sure the audio stays with the video for less chance of drift. In other words, if you are watching video playback on your computer (most likely) keep your speakers hooked up to your computer. If you switch to an external VCR for video playback, monitor the audio through the VCR. Everything is selectable through the "View" menu (at the Menubar) from within FinalCutPro. You can direct audio and video to deparate places even.

As a side note, I have a pair of Edirol 20D with digtial inputs that work great with my G5 (no system noise at all!) but it also has analog inputs from my VTR. That way if I need to switch, I can simply turn a knob on my speakers.
Patrick Pike is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 16th, 2005, 02:38 PM   #3
New Boot
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Location: Yonkers, NY
Posts: 21
Thank you, Patrick. Now I know where to look on the menu, but it seems my problem still exists.

Although I don't have a video monitor hooked up to my VCR (am in the process of acquiring one) I checked on the "VIEW" menu to send video to NTSC via Firewire, but still no audio.

In either instance, the alternates for directing audio are "greyed out" meaning I probably need to change another menu (?).

When you play a tape, either mini DV or VHS, audio is fine from the speakers. But trying to get the audio fed from G5 to deck via Firewire no go. I'm using the Firewire connection on the front of the G5, if that is a factor.
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Old June 16th, 2005, 02:46 PM   #4
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It could be one of two things (actually, probably many more). (1) Make sure that the audio and/or video are going to the right place. In this case, you want to send your Audio through the firewire. (2) Make sure your DV deck is function properly. I have a Panasonic MiniDV deck and I know I have to set it to use the firewire as an AV input (as opposed to S-Video). It might help to hook up a monitor to your VTR to check to make sure your are receiving a signal on that end. Along those lines, make sure you turn on External Video (from the view menu).

good luck!
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Old June 16th, 2005, 04:23 PM   #5
New Boot
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Location: Yonkers, NY
Posts: 21
"Doh!" as Homer says.

You solved the mystery. Didn't see video so hit the DV button on the VCR remote and voila, video and audio. Perfect.

Thank you very much for your help Patrick. This forum is great.
Gary Miller is offline   Reply

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