Does toast convert already compressed Quicktime M2p files exported from FCP? at
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Old May 18th, 2005, 11:42 PM   #1
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Does toast convert already compressed Quicktime M2p files exported from FCP?

I have a question for the FCP experts in the board:

Since we have the option in FCPHD to output trough quicktime encoding to mpeg2, does Toast just multiplexes the audio and the video without any type of compression, or does it encodes the files again, making another mpeg encoding on a already mpeg file? If so, is there any solution on Mac for a direct burn of FCPHD's mpeg files?

One more question: can we export a Progressive Mpeg2 file from FCPHD? If so, does toast or IDVD recognize this type of file and maintains it the same?

This will greatly influence the look of the picture on the DVD- and I'm a dvx user, I really need progressive looking dvd's (I was a PC premiere guy and just recently invested in a FCPHD MAC solution... Without DVDSTUDIOPRO...)
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Old May 23rd, 2005, 08:30 AM   #2
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I always use the "export using Compressor" option for creating MPEG-2 content. Since Compressor was made specifically for this task, it may do an even better job than Quicktime. Getting back to your question... Yes, Toast just multiplexes the files for use as a video DVD and is a great application for your needs.
I'm not too sure about the progressive scan part, but am pretty sure Compressor exports the new file with the same frame/field specs as the source video by default - a progressive scan Final Cut movie will produce a progressive scan DVD movie.
Nicholi Brossia
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Old May 23rd, 2005, 07:23 PM   #3
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Thanks, Nicholi. I'll try some more tests.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 10:33 PM   #4
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I did a test DVD with my m2v file from compressor, at a variable frame rate average 7.4, max 8.2, and sent it to Toast. It took a long time to burn, with a line saying "encoding file". After burning the disk, I took it to my DVD player. It said it was encoded at a bit rate between 5 mbits! I believe toast actually encoded again the m2v file... Any way to make it NOT do this? IDVD simply does not recognize m2v files... And I do not have DVD Studio Pro...
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Old May 31st, 2005, 08:21 AM   #5
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That's strange. Since I've never had that happen, I'll just give a step-by-step rundown of how I burn in Toast. I'm sure you've figured out a large majority of this procedure, but hopefully there is a slight difference that caused yours to re-encode for some reason.

1) Set In/Out points in Final Cut Pro and export to Compressor

2) Export the movie with the "60 minute High Quality > All" setting (or whichever suits the length of the movie)

3) Compressor encodes the video as an .M2V and audio as .AIF

4) Open Toast and click on the Video tab

5) In the "disc options" menu on the left (if you don't see it, click on the [> button directly below the close/minimize/zoom buttons), select "Advanced" and "DVD-Video" as well as any other options at the bottom

6) Drag the .M2V file into the main Toast window (it may already have a picture of a camcorder there. just click on it and hit delete). Also, depending on the length of your filename, Toast may ask you to designate the audio file that should be linked to the video.

7) Name the DVD by double-clicking "My DVD" and changing accordingly

8) Click the "Record disc" button, insert blank DVD, and follow the on screen steps (I always turn off "Verify" and burn at 1x or 2x)

9) Toast then shows a "Multiplexing" progress bar, then indicates that it is burning (Lead-in, Recording, Lead-out)
Nicholi Brossia
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Old May 31st, 2005, 09:02 PM   #6
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Nicholi, I did everything like you said, but instead of "Multiplexing", I get "Encoding". (And it takes way too long for basic multiplexing).

Even stranger, It happened once that the Burning was encridibly fast, but due to "nature's call- liquid edition" I couldn't see the sayings in the progress bar. Even stranger, I don't recall doing anything diferent from the other times...

If the files are the same name (aiff and m2v), toast automatically assumes they are from the same project, correct?

I normally just go and and don't select "advanced", because the options it gives are only to create a DVD menu and the audio encoding format or order, if I recall correctly... Can bit rates be a problem that makes toast recompress the video? I messed with compressor's VBR settings - raised average bit rate to 7.6, and maximum bit rate to 8.4- can this be the problem?
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Old June 1st, 2005, 08:31 AM   #7
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Yes, the "Advanced" tab consists of auto-play, menu, NTSC/PAL (if you're burning PAL format, you might have to select that), and quality settings. Other than that, as long as you have the "DVD-Video" button selected in the top section of the "Disc Options" menu (Toast defaults to "Video CD" which requires encoding) you should be set in that area. If you haven't messed with these settings, then you are most likely defaulting to "Video CD" which would explain the encoding and fast burn.

Turning the bit rate down is definately something to try if the above doesn't apply. I know that DVD Studio Pro has problems with bit rates that are too high, so maybe you've maxed out Toast's ability?

Maybe the version of Toast has something to do with it? I'm sure you have the same version I do, but just in case, I'm using Toast Titanium 6.0.9.

Also, yes, Toast automatically assumes that files with the same name are to be linked together in the new DVD file. However, Toast doesn't like the super long filenames given by Compressor, so I find it easiest to change the filename before or after Compressor encodes the files.
Nicholi Brossia
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