need suggestions on edting a bible study at
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Old February 3rd, 2005, 05:08 PM   #1
Regular Crew
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 26
need suggestions on edting a bible study

ive been asked to shoot the bible study classes at church and trying to figure out a technique to use that would make it easier to edit later - such as - they will expect to mainly focus on the pastor doing the study but also to capture some of the reactions of the congregation and certain points - mind u i only have one xl2 and not sure if this can be done correctly.

such as there would be a swing when turning to the congregation and the swing back - i know i can edit that portion out but then what do u put in that place without creating a audio sync loss - i plan on having a mic on the speaker so no matter where i shoot i still have his audio.

just looking for some ideas and suggestions on how this can be done correctly


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Old February 3rd, 2005, 05:54 PM   #2
Major Player
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Location: Los Angeles, USA
Posts: 539
Before the bible study begins, people are waiting around, right? How about getting footage of people before and after the study. I know most of them will be chatting, but see if you can find people looking to the front of the room, or, if you feel like you can, ask people if they can look to the front of the room for 30 seconds as if they are listening to someone and shoot that. Get a wide shot, and as many closeups as you can. Hold on them each for 5 seconds...give you a chance to cover the camera swing and settle.

Cutaways. Get shots of hands, people holding the bible or Prayer beads. Close ups of eyes...get a LOT of this stuff.
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