time code breaks on batch import at DVinfo.net
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Old January 13th, 2005, 10:53 PM   #1
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time code breaks on batch import

Thank you for all of the help I have gotten from this board. You folks rock.

I'm working in FCP 4.0, I upgraded recently from FCEx and am familiarizing myself with logging and batch capturing. Using the XL2 shot in 16:9, 24p, 2:3:3:2, with dropframe turned on.

I'm attempting to capture 18 logged clips from a pre-striped tape. After the first 2 clips (roughly a minute each in length) I am alerted that there is a time code break and the capture will attempt to re-cue and capture beyond the break.

I have disabled the Pref setting to "make new clip on time code break" as mentioned in this forum. I have also disabled "abort on tc break".

1) Do I need to set this pref in a new project for it to take effect or will it catch on when I click OK like, say, a "still frame duration" change will? I am not thinking so.

2) Why am I encountering so many time code breaks? I went to great lengths to stripe my tapes before hand to avoid this type of problem. The breaks always occur mid-clip, not at the cut point.

Before I go I'll mention that this problem seems exclusively associated with the batch capture. I can "capture now" and "capture clip" without problem.

I'll thank you in advance if you can help. And please forgive me if this is a repeat question. I did search the archive though.
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Old January 17th, 2005, 07:51 AM   #2
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Ian, why don't you try one of the following:

1) using a different camera for playback digitizing. there's a chance that it could be the XL2, you know.

2) try shooting tape without that dropframe thing turned on. It's clear that this setting is so technical that none of the 17 people who have viewed your post this far have no idea what that is, prompting you to respond to your own post.

3) have you tried capturing footage with the XL2 that was shot on another/different camera?

Those are all the suggestions I have.
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Old January 17th, 2005, 07:54 AM   #3
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Hey, there we go. I knew someone would come along if I waited long enough. Patience pays off!

I suppose I could try using another camera to capture from.

And yes, I have tried capturing tape that was shot on the GL2. Same silliness with the TC breaks.

If the problem does turn out to be the XL2 somehow, what are my options as far as getting that guy back in shape. I mean, it's brand-freakin-new. Just got it last month.

Thanks again, homie.
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