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Final Cut Suite
Discussing the editing of all formats with FCS, FCP, FCE

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Old October 8th, 2005, 02:32 AM   #91
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pvcproHD and FCP5

Any info if those are compatible. Can I just stick my P2 card into the Mac and start edditing?
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Old October 9th, 2005, 10:48 PM   #92
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Trouble Capturing XL-1 Footage Via DVX100a

I've got a ton of behind the scenes footage (10 tapes or so) that was shot on a rented XL-1 that I am trying to capture to FCP5/G5 using my DVX as a deck. Capture aborts within seconds on all of the tapes. Capture works fine with tapes shot with the DVX, so I don't think it's a system issue. I've tried using Capture Now for the whole tape as well as using in and out points at various spots within the tapes shot on the XL-1. Nothing is working. I assume it's either a compatibility issue, a setting I have wrong or bad tapes. As these tapes came out of the same box as those used in the DVX, which are capturing perfectly well, I'm inclined not to blame it on the tapes. FCP is already set to ignore timecode breaks. Any idea as to what might be going on? Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Lain
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Old October 14th, 2005, 03:07 PM   #93
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Exporting for the web

Someone wanted to see a sample of my work over the internet. I used FCP compressor to export as .mp4 which says is compatible with quicktime 6. But he wasn't able to view it.

So I need a format he can read that is realively small (2-10 mb) its only a 30 second clip.
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Old October 17th, 2005, 06:20 AM   #94
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Tiger Migration broke Voice Over from Built-in

FCP 4 HD Voice Over worked fine on Panther using Built-in audio. I installed Tiger on new partition and migrated from old volume as per successful reports here.

Now, FCP 4 HD Voice Over utility does not work when Built-in audio is selected. DV audio input works fine. Other audio utilities capture from the Built-in audio input just fine. Only FCP built-in audio is broken. I am sending line level audio from a mixer. I don't see any way to control Line vs Mic level anywhere.

I posted to FCP discussion on but no help.
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Old October 24th, 2005, 10:15 AM   #95
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Hi everybody,
I'm editing some of my footage from a recent shoot and the audio tracks in the timeline are stereo like they should be, I can tell from the waveforms, but when I play it back it sounds like the same thing coming out of each channel and the two audio metres in FCP are both moving the same when one channel should be a lot louder. Is there a setting somewhere I have to change?
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Old October 26th, 2005, 05:08 PM   #96
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Free file hosting

Someone suggested a file hosting site a while ago can't seem to find the post. Any suggestions, I want to post 2-4 mb quicktime commericals for clients to preview.

(mod: i didn't know what forum to post this in)
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Old October 27th, 2005, 04:24 PM   #97
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Fixing Gain-GRAIN in FCP5

I shot some footage with an overdose of GAIN on an XL2. This produced a some very grainy visual footage. I dont have the option to reshoot. I was wandering if any one knew of some tricks to hide it or fix it completely through filters and such in FCP.

I might have to just go for an old-school black and white filmic look. But Id like to save the color if I can.
wooohoooo! let's make some movie!
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Old November 1st, 2005, 05:14 PM   #98
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Really Quick capture question for SD footage...

Hey all. Well, I have to start capturing for this documentary project and there's around 35 - 40 hours worth of footage shot in HDV (we're capturing at DV converted off a Sony HDV deck) and DV from a dvx100a (24p footage) and we have a single 500 gig graid fw drive to work on. We need the best quality SD that we can use with our given storage. Is the best route to just use the default DV25 capture in FCP5 or is there a step up, or a little tweak that would still allow us enough storage room on our 500 gig drive (obviously 8 or 10 bit SD will take up far too much space) or is dv25 the same quality that our signal is being sent at therefor rendering any higher grade in SD to work with pointless? Thanks!

Last edited by Bryan Roberts; November 1st, 2005 at 05:49 PM.
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Old November 4th, 2005, 01:10 PM   #99
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Academy Leader


Does anyone have or know where I can get an Academy Leader? Basically it's the countdown.

I'm wondering if some editing systems, like Final Cut, provide them. Anyone know?


Joshua Caldwell
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Old November 7th, 2005, 11:55 PM   #100
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Music problem in FCP 5.0.3

I grabbed an AIF off a CD and imported it into FCP 5.0.3, which I just downloaded, and about 10 seconds in, the song "lags," if you will, for 3 seconds. IS this an FCP 5.0.3 thing or something? I'm also cutting in 1440x1080i HDV.

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Old November 8th, 2005, 01:01 AM   #101
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Time Code XL series GL 2 on FCP

Ok so i was posed two different questions tonight to which i thought i knew the answer so i'm just checking with the experts

1) Is it possible to batch capture on the xl1-2/gl2 series? My initial thoughts on this is no, as even if you stripe your tapes, these cameras will write their own timecode over and when you power down/up your camera again, the timecode resets itself- therefore when u batch capture the settings don't match as it keeps resetting- am i right or is there a workaround on this?

2) EDL on FCP- i was asked if it were possible to create an edl list and then import it on FCP and then capture via that way- to this i had no clue as i've never created one from scratch and wouldn't know how- anyone here have an idea? thanks!
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Old November 13th, 2005, 02:11 PM   #102
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FCE 1.0.1 Crashing ?

I have FCE 1.0.1 on my Powerbook G4 and for some reason everytime i use a ctrl-k (keyframe) or a command shortcut it just quits my FCE. I have tried deleting the prefs and reinstalling with no success. Anyone have any other idea
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Old November 14th, 2005, 12:21 AM   #103
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Disk Utility stopped while verifying permissions

I just upgraded to OS10.3.9 and Quicktime 7.

FCP 4.5 still seems ok so I thought i better Repair Permissions but I couldn't and got this msg:

Disk Utility stopped verifying permissions on “Startup HD” because the following error was encountered:

No valid packages
Verify permissions for “Startup HD”
Error: No valid packages (-9997)

Permissions verification complete

i don't know if its a result of the recent update or not as its been a few months since I last repaired permissions.

Any ideas?

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Old November 14th, 2005, 09:19 AM   #104
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FCP best broadcast output?

Got my 90min. documentary, finished with soundmix and titles, on a 4:3 DV PAL sequence. (Was shot with XL1 PAL, some people asked me if it was HD or 16mm). Now I want to make a digital master and a tape master, thinking in these distribution forms: 4:3 digital projection, TV, DVD. Going to 35mm only a remote possibility.

I tried putting out some sample QT movies: a DV PAL one and an Uncompressed 10bit one. The last one keeps text completely clean and even "improves" the DV somewhat. The DV one is just DV, with fuzzy text and all.

1. I obviously want to master in the best possible quality. Is this Uncompressed 10bit? Is it too much?

2. What tape format do you recommend for mastering? I'm thinking DigiBeta.

3. Is an Uncompressed QT movie ok to take to a post house and have them lay it on DigiBeta?
Federico Martini Crotti is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 14th, 2005, 07:44 PM   #105
Shawn Wright
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What is the FCP song on Apple Demo?

I recently bought Final Cut Studio. I saw a demo at CompUSA that had a really cool song. It was fast paced and had the lyric "'s a woderful life..."

Does anyone know what song this is?

I would like to download it from iTunes.


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