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Old March 10th, 2005, 04:50 PM   #31
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Chapter Markers in nested sequences not working

I am trying to export my FCP 4 project with chapter markers for iDVD 3 and they do not show up when I use a nested sequence. They do show up if I export one of my sequences that isn't nested. Is this a common bug with FCP and iDVD?
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Old March 11th, 2005, 12:02 PM   #32
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i have a couple of shots that are kinda not so well lit. can anyone tell me how to de-noise and clean up the shots? thanx.
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Old March 11th, 2005, 06:25 PM   #33
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TC Oddities


An old project being resusitated has some weird happenings.

Unused footage was originally removed. I want to recapture the used footage again but using the original UN-Media Managed sequence. But looking at the TC it's often way over an hour, when I know the cameraman only shoots an hour with each tape.

And then, footage that seems right (under 1 hour) is not accurate.

Can using Media Manager have odd effects?

I know there was sped up motion in a couple places and as I recall it can look weird in the TC but somehow gets captured correctly.

Why I went to the original sequences was because the Media Managed clips had odd TC too, so that's why I'm looking for some connection.

Another odd thing is that after the project gets saved and reopened, when I click on a missing clip, in the Viewer there are runes and squiggles instead of 'Tape 1'.

Any ideas?

Elmer Lang
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Old March 12th, 2005, 01:10 PM   #34
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split long sequence in FCP for iDVD compatibility

Hi there,
I have a 01:49:41;00 finished sequence in FCP for broadcast. The project, for my own reasons, is a single sequence to which I have added chapter markers for DVD play, (it's an instructional/tutorial). I am in the middle of other work w/DVDSP and I wondered if there is any way to create two discs out of one sequence for output to iDVD. I have not used this application much though I am aware of its temporal/spatial limitations of no more than sixty minutes of reasonable quality per disc.
As might be expected, this project is heavy with titling, effects, transitions, etc., and is no small file. Can I separate or "copy", (I don't have unlimited drive space, even on several 800 FW drives) part of the timeline/sequence? In essence, I want to split the sequence for a two disc play. Possible? How to?
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Old March 14th, 2005, 10:21 AM   #35
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Transcoding DivX with subtitles in a Mac?

I have been trying to convert DivX-encoded movies to something I can use in FCP or to DVD on a Mac. I have had partial success, using Compressor or tools like HyperEngine and even the QuickTime player. BUT I have not been able to transcode movies with subtitles. I can see movies with external subtitle files in real time using VLC, which is great. But I would like to find a way to transcode that with the burned-in subtitles. Any ideas?
Ignacio Rodríguez in the third world. @micronauta on Twitter. Main hardware: brain, eyes, hands.
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Old March 17th, 2005, 01:02 PM   #36
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FCP and decklink extreme

We just added a decklink extreme card, Medea RT3 800 gig RAID, and ATTO card to our FCP system. We did this in order to edit various types of footage together at the highest possible quality. We are generally working with DV25, DV50, Beta, and occasionally digibeta.

What is the best setting to use if 3 or more of these formats will be mixed in one video? I'm guessing 10bit NTSC, but DV50 might also work.

We are currently trying to digitize both DV25 and DV50 footage from a DV deck using SDI and this doesn't seem to work at all. We can't figure out why. When we digitize via YRB, both DV25 and DV50 look fine in the computer but DV50 looks jerky on our NTSC monitor. The monitor is currently playing via firewire from the monitor because we couldn't get it to work any other way.

I'm guessing our hookup is wrong but we can't get anyone from Blackmagic or Tekserve tech support to call us back. Any suggestions?


Loch Phillipps
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Old March 18th, 2005, 01:29 PM   #37
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Bryce is back

DAZ Productions bought Bryce from Corel last summer, and are now marketing version 5 again for the Mac

Version 5.01 is the same one which Corel was selling two years ago when they pulled the plug on further Mac development. I upgraded to version 5 in 2003 and had to look around quite a bit to find someone who still had a copy in stock.

This seems like good news to me since I've worked extensively with Bryce and think it's a great piece of software for creating landscapes and natural phenomena. They are holding out some hope of future versions
DAZ considers Bryce to contain an important set of tools and is strongly dedicated to its future development

As with all other DAZ software applications, the real future of Bryce depends on its users.
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Old March 19th, 2005, 05:11 PM   #38
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How to make META DATA visible?


I was wondering if anyone knows how to get the meta data (like: date and time) to show up on screen in either FCP or Quicktime. Or for that matter in any movie format.

I was looking for an effect like "show time-code" but for date / time in FCP, but I couldn't find one.

Any ideas?

Daniel Kohl

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Old April 4th, 2005, 07:03 AM   #39
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Help! Potential FCP HD and OS X 10.3.8 problems

Hey everyone,

I've noticed similar problems between my work's Apples, FCP HD, OS X 10.3.8 and LaCie external firewire drives, and what I'm using at home. At home, my FCP HD claims that there's no video as I re-capture my footage from a project. Trashing FCP HD preferences helped for a while, then back to the same stuff.

At work, files can't be transferred (permissions were repaired several times) at times and also, some projects couldn't be rendered without crashing the program. I will trash the preferences today.

This got me to thinking--we had no problems like this, at home or work, until after we downloaded OS X 10.3.8. I hear 10.3.9 will be coming out soon, before Tiger, so maybe that will help.

But in the meantime, I have projects at home on deadline, and my students at work need to wrap up their films, too, for a screening next week.



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Old April 8th, 2005, 03:07 PM   #40
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Media100 Software Only Product Coming!

Media100 is going to be distributing software-only versions of it's editing program on CD-Rom at NAB. The beta version will be time-bombed, but will be fully functional for a period of time.

I personally think it's about time Media 100 freed itself from the shackle of hardware-dependence. If they had made this move 4 or 5 years ago, they might have still been a player in the editing world, instead of trying to regain marketshare under bankruptcy-purchaser Optibase.

I left Media 100 for Final Cut as soon as I got a G5, but I'd like to have the capability to go back to old projects in software and make changes, or pull out old media without transcoding or exporting from my old dinosaur machine.

There were some things I really liked about the Media100 interface, but FCP is just too flexible and deep for me to consider going back anytime soon. I'm just hoping for a VERY reasonable upgrade price so I can use that backward-compatibility for my old stuff.
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Old April 24th, 2005, 01:48 PM   #41
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DVD Studio Pro 2 Question

i am currently working on a custom dvd in dvd studio pro 2 and i ran into a little problem. the graphics were all done in after effects and the way it looks is that there's words on a slant such as Play, Song Selections, Extras...and they're all really close together, not touching, just really close and on an angle. when i created a button, it's on such a slant that it runs into another button, so then the button i don't want highlighted is highlighted. is there any way to customize the button box, so that it's not a rectangle, and so that i could add more points to the button box, to avoid running into other words. kind of hard to understand, but if you could help me at all, i would appreciate it. thank you.
Alfred Tomaszewski
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 03:35 AM   #42
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Does QT7 Pro have MPEG-2 export feature?

Hi everyone,
I've held off purchasing tiger because I prefer using the QT/mpeg-2 export option in QT6 pro for use in DVD authoring. Does anyone have tiger/QT7 pro installed? Is there an mpeg-2 export option? Thank you.
Would someone turn on the lights!?
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Old May 5th, 2005, 12:21 AM   #43
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exporting anamorphic footage to .mp4 in FCP HD

is there a way to do it, and get it to unsqueeze the footage?
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Old May 6th, 2005, 07:38 AM   #44
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Online Offline in FCP ? about sequence settings.

If I do an offline edit to save disk space and have the sequence settings set for the lower quality, will I be able to change them later for the recapture?
Do I need to edit with sequence settings set for the higher quality even though I am working with the offline media files that are captured at lower resolution? The reason for my confusion comes from page 121 in the onscreen manual about half way down the page it says.

"Even if you'll be outputting at a smaller frame size for multimedia use, it's best to edit your video at its full size, then scale it down."

There are a heck of a lot of gottchyas in this program and I just don't want to spend a week editing something with the wrong setting only to realize it will have to be done all over again with the correct one.
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Old May 8th, 2005, 02:48 PM   #45
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Motion demo reference

Last year, Apple had posted on their quicktime site a movie file of a demonstration of Motion - as part of a larger conference presentation as I remember. I am in need of referencing this movie file and I am unable to find it now that Apple has updated all of those sites to reference the upcoming FCStudio. Does anyone know where I can find the Motion demonstration video that was posted last year. Thanks in advance.
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