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Old March 24th, 2006, 08:40 PM   #121
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Lumiere HD Beta version 1.6b6

Does anyone know if you have to be a Lumiere HD owner already to use this new beta version. I can download it but it asks me for a serial number.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 02:34 AM   #122
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I have a question for anyone who could answer it, I have the jvc GY-HD100U and I recentily just tried to capture footage using FCP HD and it won't even reconize that the camera is hooked up. I then did some research and found out that Lumiere HD could make it possible for me to capture footage using their program. Well I am in a delima, I have no money what so ever and the camera was givin to me as a gift. My problem is I have no way of purchising Lumiere, my only way to make money was using the camera, since I can't capture I cannot edit the video, there inturns I cannot make any money. My question is does anyone know where I could download the program for free? I feel bad because I don't want to rip anyone off but I feel ripped off in the sence I have no way of capturing HD to my mac or FCP. Plus on top of it all I need to send my camera in to get the new upgrade, and let me tell you I am very leary about sending it with out purchising any insurance incase somthing happens in delivery to JVC. Please someone help,
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Old March 26th, 2006, 10:04 AM   #123
MPS Digital Studios
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It's a shame that FCP 5.0.4 cannot capture JVC's 720p24, but it can capture and edit 30p. I sympathize with you.

Lumiere HD costs only $179 and is well worth it. Asking it for free isn't exactly a moral thing to do. Frederic and his team worked very hard on it, and put a lot of hours and I'm sure capital into it. The price is worth it.

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Old March 26th, 2006, 03:39 PM   #124
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Yes it is sorta wrong to download programs like that for free but, It is a scam. I finally found a program that works and is FREE!!! I am now using two programs, Which is a long way to go to get around this problem. Those programs are DVHSCap abd MPEG Streamclip. Might I add FREE, This whole problem is corprate runaround, Which is a scam. My grandfather bought me this camera in the hopes of me getting jobs and getting paid. He is no longer with us, The fact that I would have to pay for a whole other program is not right. Especially since I have no money. The only way for me to make any money was by shooting and editing things together. Lumiere HD sounds like a great program, At least they could have offered a free trial version. All I really wanted to know was if it would work. No offence to anyone but I would want to see first hand if it worked on my computer. I've been screwed over more times than I can count. If they had of offered a free version and I saw first hand that it worked then I woud have tried to save money to buy the program. Plus if other programs do it just as good and for free and they make you buy it then thats messed up. I'm not a very priviliged guy, I live on my own and have barely enough to get by. My job is this, Shoot, Edit, Get Money! My grandfather did buy me all this and yes that is alot but, He did it to get me started job wise. I'm sorry if I come accrosed mad, But I feel like I was screwed over and so was my grandfather for all of this. What gets me even more is the fact the FCP is supposed to support the GY-HD100U as under here: Wouldn't that be false advertising to say they support it and yet it doesnt even support it.
And back to Lumiere HD costing ONLY $179 ONLY. Thats alot of money when you don't have any. But I would have saved to buy it if i knew it worked on my computer. I'm sure if I asked if it worked many of you would have said yes. But If it didn't then it would have been no skin of your backs. Yet I would have been set back 179 Dollars.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 03:45 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by Andrew Marks
What gets me even more is the fact the FCP is supposed to support the GY-HD100U as under here: Wouldn't that be false advertising to say they support it and yet it doesnt even support it.
No, it wouldn't be false advertising because the listing for the HD-100 references footnote #6 which says: "6. HDV mode currently supported in 720p30 format only."
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Old March 26th, 2006, 04:02 PM   #126
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HDV is NOT 24p, but JVC tweaked the software and they call it ProHD (and it has PCM audio). In my experience, using free software, esp. in the video world, isn't always successful. I find using products that cost money to be the best.

This is still a relatively new technology, and every time a camera comes out, there's something new to it. I know of very few, if any, software NLEs that support Canon's 24f mode, only 60i and 30f. Be patient.

I had to be first in the technology race with the JVC HD10 3 years ago, and I had to wait almost 2 years for native FCP support. Two versions of Final Cut came out before it was available.

Also, if you're using a camera to become a videographer, I hope you are practicing and learning as much as possible on the subject. You can't just go out and shoot and hope to make money. You need to be the best, and then you need to work hard to build up a good reputation. It's taken me a few years to get to where I am, and I've been doing this for a while.

I still struggle to pay the bills, just like everyone. And buying software upgrades is expensive, but we don't all have to go out and buy the latest and greatest.

Lastly, we at DVInfo do not, under any circumstances, advocate getting free copies of software that normally cost money. That's stealing.

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Old March 26th, 2006, 04:07 PM   #127
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Thanks for the info, yeah i had my suspition that it ws something hidden like that. I'm just glad I finally found a program that can convert what I shot for free. And to heath, I am very sorry If I came accrosed as going off on you. I am just mad with JVC and FCP for running me around. I called JVC and Apple about 6 times trying to get a answer yet I never could. JVC said it was apple, Apple said it was JVC. I could never get a strait answer. It just makes me mad that they do that. Plus I have a deadline for the job I am doing and I needed to be able to capture and start editing last week as is. I am already losing money because the I was supposed to have a rough edit to them by Saturday. I am stressed beyond belief, and to find out that my problem could be fixed for the moment with Lumiere and to then find out the it cost 179 dollars. I have right now 50 cents to my name! So I would have been screwed if I hadn't found anything to work. So I apoligise to anyone who took offense, I am just at the end of the string, I have no money, I barely have food, and This just kinda topped it off. I am truly sorry if I offended anyone.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 04:17 PM   #128
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If you did a 5 minute google on FCP and the JVC HD100 before you bought one, you had know a lot more about the issues. This forum is almost all about it..
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Old March 26th, 2006, 04:18 PM   #129
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Lastly I Didn't want a free full Version, I really needed to find out if it worked or not on MY COMPUTER. If I bought it then found out It didn' work. What a waist that would have been. And I never ment to say I wanted the full version for free, I was tired when I posted my first post and now that I look at it I relise that I was wrong. But I still wanted to find a trial version to see if ot worked on my computer. I never ment to say that I wanted the whole version. That was my bad and I will appoligise for that.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 04:24 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by Vincent Rozenberg
If you did a 5 minute google on FCP and the JVC HD100 before you bought one, you had know a lot more about the issues. This forum is almost all about it..
Well From what I read and from what I was told it was a good camera to buy. Don't act all high and mighty about it, Yes I should have I know this, And I did do alot of reaserch. Not enough I guess, but I talked with a couple production companys in my city and they all supported the HD100. So I was misled then. That doesn't get away from the fact that its all in the past. I got the camera back in december. I haven't had the chance until now to use it because of too much going on in my own life. Dealing with my grandfathers death, and getting all hhis stuff sold and whatnot.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 04:35 PM   #131
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And To clear anything about this, I am not a NEW BOOT to editing. I have been editing for about 6 years. I also worked at The oregon capitol during session in the Legislative Media dept. So I know about editing and brodcast and all that. Don't treat me as if I am some dumb kid. I am a adult, Treat me like one. I know quite a bit about editing, and from what I was lead to believe the JVC GY-HD100U was a good camera to buy.
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Old March 26th, 2006, 06:16 PM   #132
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My recommendation, after I bought an HD10 without testing it, test cameras, research it, etc. Know what you're buying.

No sweat on the going off.

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Old March 27th, 2006, 05:42 PM   #133
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Originally Posted by Heath McKnight
HDV is NOT 24p, but JVC tweaked the software and they call it ProHD (and it has PCM audio).
Just as an aside, you'll soon hear of changes in the HDV spec that *do* allow for 24p and PCM audio, so maybe we'll see software dev support now in this arena, since it's now part of the HDV standard. (along with 4 channels of audio, too)
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Old March 27th, 2006, 10:08 PM   #134
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Hey Spot, is this ProHD? Or something different?

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Old April 2nd, 2006, 07:16 PM   #135
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Yes. You need to buy version 1.2
Tim Dashwood
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