Pixelation when exporting at DVinfo.net
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Old August 5th, 2009, 01:56 PM   #1
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Pixelation when exporting

Hey guys ok so I have run into a little problem when exporting my final video.

I shot on Canon XLH1, and while editing/capturing there is no pixelation at all and the video looks crisp. However when I compressed the video for Vimeo, all of a sudden I have weird pixelation that occurs whenever there are like bright flashes of light or sudden movements... Anyone know what could be causing this? Unfortunately I am a horrible newb for the most part and don't understand all the technical lingo that well... Hopefully someone can help me out!

Anthony Schneider is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 5th, 2009, 08:59 PM   #2
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The thing here is that you have COMPRESSED your video. Your compression is adding the artifacting.

Getting compression right is part science, part art, and generally a lot of practice/experience/experimentation.

What are you doing to compress it - there in will lie your problem (and your resolution.)
Craig Parkes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old August 5th, 2009, 10:32 PM   #3
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You're part of the best forum on the planet for learning exactly this type of thing. Since your Canon uses HDV there are a few gotchas to avoid when it comes both to camerawork (production) and final compression for output (post). There are literally dozens of threads - even specific to your camera model - about compression settings for every NLE on the planet.

Do a search for "XLH1 compression for web" and variations of that search and you'll end up with more info than you can digest anytime soon.

Don't hesitate to hit us up for help when you're stuck.
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Old August 6th, 2009, 05:39 AM   #4
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Try compressing to h.264 and running a two pass encode. this should help with the flashes.

for a very simple encode try these settings:

frame rate: current

key frames: automatic
data rateL automatic
compressor quality: high
encoding: multi-pass

Bitrate: 192 (or higher)

That should give you good looking video, you can tweak a lot of those settings for the same in quality but smaller file size but if you're new to this give it a go. If it makes a video too large to upload try 1/2 the frame size or reducing the compression quality.

best of luck

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Old August 6th, 2009, 06:02 AM   #5
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If you export from Compressor, try to turn "frame controls" on, itīs in the inspector window. Itīs a bit tricky to find, but itīs there. That helps AND increase render times of course
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