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Final Cut Suite
Discussing the editing of all formats with FCS, FCP, FCE

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Old February 28th, 2004, 01:30 AM   #16
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Thanks Ken, I will check it out.

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Old March 2nd, 2004, 11:42 PM   #17
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Here are a couple of further thoughts, at least one of which may be way off, so I won't be the least offended if someone says so. The first is that if you are editing from a powerbook, you can use the s-video or composite out (w or w/out adaptor, depending on your model) to run an analogue external monitor if you are not running a camera or deck (the "external monitor on FCP recognizes it).

The second is the wilder one. When I was really short on cash, someone recommended to me I use an old Commodore monitor for editing (evidently they were made by someone respectable and had none of the color boosting controls common on TVs). It actually proved to be fairly adjustable, though it had no blue calibration mode (gel filters were helpful for this, which I already had), and a couple of fairly experienced people looked at the setup and thought it was not bad. Not a real monitor, of course, but at $30 it was a deal, and relatively compact to boot. Harder to find now though, depending on where you live.

Linc Kesler
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Old March 3rd, 2004, 08:57 AM   #18
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I don't think your second suggestion is that far out. I'm using my old Commodore monitor for color editing. I'm not 100% satisfied with it, but after some tinkering with the controls, I've got something that's not too bad. I used to use my TV (27" RCA) which worked out real well, but the TV and Computer system are in separate rooms right now. Regarding who made the Commodore monitor, I believe it's a JVC. I can't remember where I saw it, but it looked just like the Commodore 1702 Monitor. The biggest problem I have with it is it's low resolution. Don't expect to see any detail or sharpness.
Tim Buege
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Old March 3rd, 2004, 03:46 PM   #19
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Thanks for the suggestions guys. A lot of this depends on Avid Xpress Pro--whether it will support monitor out like FCP. I should have my copy by next week so I will be able to check it out. I think this documentary that I'm doing may be the last thing I do on the Avid though before I switch to Final Cut. In regards to the computer monitor, I decided, after a great deal of research, to go with the Samsung 192T 19". The Apple Display was just too damn expensive (with the savings I can afford to get an nice CRT). I was also looking at the NEC LCD1980SX but the reviews on the Samsung were a little better. Also, my bro has one and likes it. I'll let you know what i think. thanks again for the help,


P.S. I am in LOVE with my Powerbook. Like seriously I'm going to marry it.
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