NTSC tapes for PAL video ??? at DVinfo.net
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Old January 16th, 2004, 03:26 PM   #1
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NTSC tapes for PAL video ???

I am working at a video project recorded with my PANA DVX100 PAL camcorder.

But a few seconds in my project will be recorded in USA by another photographer (with NTSC equipment) and sent to me at miniDV tapes.

Is it possible to use this NTSC clips in my PAL project? (FCP4/DVDSP2)

Or what if I they make me a DVD with som mov. files instead of sending tapes?

What is the solution here?
Bjørn Sørensen is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 16th, 2004, 03:39 PM   #2
Outer Circle
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s it possible to use this NTSC clips in my PAL project?
No. Can't he just rent a PAL cam?
Frank Granovski is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 16th, 2004, 06:00 PM   #3
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If he can't shoot in PAL you will have to take his NTSC Mini DV Tape to a Video Pro shop and get them to convert it and put it onto a PAL Mini DV tape so you can just capture as normal. I think the main problem is that you are wanting to play back for capture an NTSC tape on you PAL video camera to capture on your Mac. that won't work.
Or do you have a Mini DV Deck that can play both PAL & NTSC?
Andrew Hogan is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 16th, 2004, 11:39 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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Some decks like the DSR-11 can play back both NTSC and PAL DV tapes. That deck doesn't convert between PAL/NTSC. You can use it to capture footage, but then you still need to convert NTSC-->PAL. Conversions tend to be either not very good or very expensive.
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Old January 17th, 2004, 05:57 AM   #5
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Create 2 projects in Final Cut Express (or pro)

One for the PAL
One for the NTSC footage

Set up each project preferences for the format (PAL and NTSC) and import the footage into the appropriate file

Export the NTSC project to Quicktime and and use the PAL format option.

Load this newly created quicktime file into the PAL FCX project.

This has worked for me with good results. FCX is a decent PAL<->NTSC converter. You dont even need Quicktime Pro.

Regards P
Sony PDX10 by 2, DRS-11, Dual G5, FCX, DVDSP and Logic Plat.
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Old January 17th, 2004, 07:43 AM   #6
RED Problem Solver
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You've got two problems:

1) getting the NTSC footage into your computer

2) doing a NTSC to PAL conversion

To solve 1), you either need a DSR-11 or DSR-25 deck that will play both PAL and NTSC and capture from the tape. Or... Get the NTSC footage dumped onto a CD or DVD in the the USA and load the footage onto your computer that way. You could also pay to have the tape standards converted.

To solve 2), take a look at my website at:http://www.nattress.com/standardsConversion.htm where I sell a Standards Converter for FCP - (don't know if it works in FCE but you can try the demo out and see) and this will provide a much superior standards conversion than you get by just dropping the media into the sequence and letting FCE or FCP do it's worst on it.

What FCP does is drop and duplicate frames - this looks bad and choppy. My plugin does a proper conversion and looks a lot nicer!

Graeme Nattress is offline   Reply

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