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Old April 6th, 2009, 09:33 PM   #1
New Boot
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Location: Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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Audio Only with choppy Video


I guess I will start with the specs, XDCAM EX1 footage, 1080 25p, FCP 6.03, QT7.6.

I had a Sequence that I exported using just the Export Using Quicktime feature and to use the current settings instead of using Export Using Quicktime Conversion.

I viewed the footage and it was all good, both in QT and in the preview window by pressing the spacebar whilst in finder.

I then trashed the EX footage to free up room on my HDD.

Since doing that when I attempt to play the file in any program it wont play, if i try to preview it in finder I get audio and some choppy Video here and there.

When I try to import the .mov file that i exported back into FCP it tells me it cant find the original source footage.

When I look at the info for the .mov file it is 125 MB has a duration of 3 odd mins with the XDCAM EX 1080 25p Codec, so this tells me that the file in question is still complete.

Have I condemed this file to death by deleting the source footage?

If so, what is the point in exporting using just Quicktime in FCP?

Any solutions would be appreciated.

I have tried to view, open, import, drag, drop into AE, iMovie, QT, VLC, DVD Studio Pro, you name it, ive tried opening it.

The only thing that comes close is the finder preview window when i press space.


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Old April 7th, 2009, 08:59 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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It sounds like when you exported the Sequence, you exported a reference file instead of including source media. If so, you're screwed. The occasional bits of video you see are likely render files that the sequence is able to access. The easiest way to tell is check the file size of the exported sequence. If it is too small given the codec you used, it's a reference file.

125 MB isn't even big enough for 30 seconds of NTSC DV video, never mind 3 minutes of XDCamEX. SOunds like you made a reference file to me. Can you recapture your original media?
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old April 8th, 2009, 07:22 AM   #3
New Boot
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Location: Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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Oh gee really.... I have trashed the footage and deleted it off the cards, looks like I have to reshoot it.

I have never seen that you can export just a reference file with the option of including source media, is this in the settings when you choose export using quicktime?

Thanks for your help.

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Old April 8th, 2009, 09:39 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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When I'm back in my edit bay, I'll look up the ACTUAL dialog but yes, during any QT export, you have the choice of reference only (which references existing media) or a self contained movie. I THINK the dialog includes a check box that says "Make Self Contained".
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old April 8th, 2009, 10:11 AM   #5
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You need to make sure "Make Movie Self-Contained" is checked. If it's left unchecked, you'll create a "reference movie".

Reference movies are great if for example, you want to export out your project to take into Compressor. It will save you a lot of time over "Make Movie Self-Contained". But as you found out, if you delete your footage (or make any changes to the Sequence) the reference movie will loose it's connections and error out.

Sorry that you have to reshoot. That sucks.
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Audio Only with choppy Video-quicktim-export.png  
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Old April 8th, 2009, 11:51 AM   #6
Inner Circle
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Thanks for that Mitchell. Was away from the office.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old April 9th, 2009, 02:06 AM   #7
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Posts: 15
Ahh yes, I have seen that, never taken notice of it as I usually export to AVI for most clients and for this reason was pressed for time and did a Quicktime instead.

I guess I will never make that mistake again, especially that both projects I dumped involved 5 paying actors for thier showreels..... *gulp*.

Thanks again for your advice.

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