FCP 4: Anamorphic Confusion - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old October 10th, 2003, 02:15 AM   #16
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Hi Ted,
Different strokes for different folks, I guess! Can't see why having wrong aspect ratios in viewer and canvas is not a hindrance, even when using a properly calibrated (and I assume 16:9 capable) external monitor. You still do a lot of fine tuning in the viewer and canvas windows, so it's got to be good to be seeing your footage correctly - esp as there is no advantage to not seeing it correctly!)
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Old October 10th, 2003, 05:02 PM   #17
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I really only use the windows to set in and out points and to do a quick check to see where I am on the timeline. Other uses for the canvas is the 3 way color corrector where you take the eyedropper to the canvas. When doing it that way having it anamorphically squeezed is actually an advantage since the clip takes up more "real estate" and my chances of clicking the eyedropper on the color I intend increases, since those areas are bigger. My monitor is only 1024x768. No Apple Cinema Displays here, unfortunately. However I'll try setting everything to 16:9 next time just to see if it enhances the way I work.

Also I am used to dealing with anamorphic images. I've cut a lot of film that has a 2.39 aspect ratio (compressed horizontally at 2x). It looks way skinnier than 16:9. I got used to that so regular anamorphic video doesn't bother me I guess. :)
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Old October 28th, 2003, 03:44 AM   #18
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Cropping 4:3 video into 16:9

Hi- I would like to have frame lines come up in my canvas for 16:9. I have a video that was shot 4:3, but will be cropped (by someone else) into 16:9, so I want to position the individual shots accordingly. My video has been squeezed and unsqueezed, ut I've never figured out how to just get some black lines as a guide. Suggestions?

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