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Old March 3rd, 2009, 11:21 PM   #16
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I too was rather disappointed with the new updates. I'm surprised that Apple went back to having two models of the Mac Pro again.

Now you can get half as many cores, and less RAM capacity for ... the same price as before?

Granted they are newer processors, etc but I don't think I could justify purchasing one, maybe next year or two or whenever they get upgraded again.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 12:46 AM   #17
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in order to make Blu Ray work this is the problem -

complicated licensing. although this maybe simplified, its still EXPENSIVE for use

encryption. data on the bus and video card is encrypted. its a big part of why vista runs slow. would ANYONE want to slow the OS down just for Blu Ray ? especially if you never even use them ? of course not. it would be really bad for the OS

so this is a decision not based on if it can be done technically ( yes it can ) but more legal issues and performance issues.

FWIW, you can author in encore on a mac. don't see why something that doesn't have apple's name on it, everyone forgets about it.

the machines are overpriced to be sure. I think sales numbers will let the know that one loud and clear.
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Old March 4th, 2009, 03:05 AM   #18
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with the large (and growing) audio recording market that utilizes FW 400 audio interfaces, and also the (i would imagine) large amount of people already owning video cameras that use FW 400, i really don't understand the exclusion of a small, simple, and relatively cheap connection... you could daisy chain the interface/camera/hard drives on the FW 800, but things get really buggy (for my two pro tools interfaces anyway...) and it slows the speed.
if a buy a kabillion dollar 'PRO' computer, i would at least want to be able to hook up my 'PRO' gear, right out of the box. call me fussy.
BR exclusion is bothersome also, but the idea of just handing over a little hard drive with the HD quality files to cleints is also intriguing... even kicking in that WD media player, at $104 with a little hard drive, $64?!, it's easy to build into costs... hmmmm. i'd pay that much personally to NOT transcode to DVD for many many hours...
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Old March 4th, 2009, 08:35 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Steve Oakley View Post

FWIW, you can author in encore on a mac. don't see why something that doesn't have apple's name on it, everyone forgets about it.
I don't know that we "forget" about Encore. It's just that I spent a lot of money to buy FCP1.0 back in the day and I spent a fair chunk of change to upgrade to FCS2 so I'd LIKE to be able to use the tools I own.

As well, and please correct me if I'm wrong, I thought the BluRay licensing was in regard to the BD-Video, which could be addressed by adding the appropriate "tariff" to applications that allow BD-Video discs to be produced. Merely as a mass storage format, BD-R is attractive and I can't believe our hands are being tied.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old March 4th, 2009, 12:19 PM   #20
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Does anyone know if the single processor Mac pro can be upgraded to a dual chip machine, including the ability to host more RAM as the current dual chip box can?
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Old March 4th, 2009, 12:23 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Emmanuel Plakiotis View Post
Does anyone know if the single processor Mac pro can be upgraded to a dual chip machine, including the ability to host more RAM as the current dual chip box can?
This question isn't related to this current thread and should have it's own place. The answer is "no", the mainboard on the MacPro doesn't allow for multi-CPU add-ons nor would the RAM databus even know how to talk to the upgrade. Time for a newer machine.
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Old March 18th, 2009, 03:39 PM   #22
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2009 Mac Pro Detailed Pics

For those of you (like me) who are about to get one of these for FCP work here is engadgets first detailed take on it - including about 90 pictures of it. Enjoy....if that's possible whilst feeling the pain of the horrendous cost! (especially here in the UK!)

Apple Nehalem-based Mac Pro in-depth impressions
Andy K Wilkinson -
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 06:58 AM   #23
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Nehalem - any real world editing experiences to share?

As I await to get paid from one of my previous video jobs (in order to be able to buy one of these new Mac Pros!) I was wondering if any one who already has one of these Nehalem's has any real world video editing experiences to share regarding FCS2.

I'm almost certainly decided on a 2.66, 8 core with 12 GB RAM, 4870 Graphics card. I don't really see I can justify the extra £1000 or so for the 2.93 but at least in my head I can justify getting the 2.66 over the 2.26 (just don't tell my wife there is a lower model than 2.66, OK!). It will be driving two (already owned) Dell 2408WFP - and yes I've read of some headaches over the mini-display port/adapter nonsense on the Apple forums when trying to run two displays. What a stupid idea all that was...Apple really dropped the ball on that.

I certainly want 8 core as I reckon 12-18 months from now FCS3 (or less, whenever it gets launched) and Snow Leopard (latest rumour/estimate Sept 09 launch) will then enable me to be take advantage of many cores (real and/or virtual) and lots more RAM than FCS2. If you like, I want to future proof this expensive piece of hardware as much as I can for my video work over the next 2-3 years.

So you lucky ones that have a Nehalem, how's it running?
Andy K Wilkinson -
Cambridge (UK) Corporate Video Production
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 08:40 AM   #24
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Andy, MacRumors is "reporting" that the MacPro is expected to get another Nehalem processor, over 3GHz, "soon". In traditional Mac style, this SHOULD mean that the base model drops off and each processor slides down a notch into the previous "low water mark" pricing. PURELY SPECULATION, but if you don't need the Mac immediately, wait for the update and get the next faster processor for the same money you'd spend today. Apple is notoriously "bad" at releasing new processors in a line without fanfare so the computer you buy today may well be supplanted with a very short period of time, based on my (twice) experience of buying a new Mac only to have it replaced in the pricing structure within 2 weeks. Of course, if we are always waiting for "the next big thing" we'd never buy anything and never make any money editing video...
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 09:25 AM   #25
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Yes...I know exactly what you mean but I've postponed this Mac Pro purchase for 6 months now already and I just KNOW that as soon as I order it what you predict and your "2 week too early" experience will just happen to me!

I can probably wait another few weeks anyway (this client is, I'm told, a pretty slow payer and my next big project can be done again on my 2008 MBP/GRAID3 setup no sweat) but then I'm probably just going to have to see what the rumours are then and just "do it" (unless something looks imminent) and hopefully not look back too much.
Andy K Wilkinson -
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Old April 3rd, 2009, 09:56 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Andy Wilkinson View Post
As I await to get paid from one of my previous video jobs (in order to be able to buy one of these new Mac Pros!) I was wondering if any one who already has one of these Nehalem's has any real world video editing experiences to share regarding FCS2.
I'm expecting mine to arrive next week (~April 9th). The config we ordered is the 2.26GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon (8-core) 'Nehalem', 12GB RAM (6x2GB) with the ATI Radeon HD 4870 512MB graphics card. It'll probably be a few weeks until I get into any heavy work with it, though. Current projects are in their ramping-up/RnD phase right now, expect full swing come May.
Mike Barber
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Old June 26th, 2009, 12:08 PM   #27
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Has anyone tryed the new GeForce285 on the new MacPro? Is it compatible, recommended, a better option?
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