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Old February 16th, 2009, 08:39 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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FC text overlay question

How do you add text and have the objects in the video/animation go over the text?
Paul Cronin
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Old February 16th, 2009, 09:06 AM   #2
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Render your animation/graphic with an alpha channel. Some codecs support it and some don't.

Give more details and i can give you more in return.
Sony EX3, Canon 5D MkII, Chrosziel Matte Box, Sachtler tripod, Steadicam Flyer, Mac Pro, Apple/Adobe software - 20 years as a local videographer/editor
Mitchell Lewis is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 16th, 2009, 09:17 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Thanks Mitchell,

The animation is none/ignore Alpha Type to work. And I am adding text from the simple FC text menu. I need when the animation moves to go over the two layers of text.

There is also a layer of text that I need to keep on top of the animation which seem easy just keeping it above the animation on the timeline.

Yes a few tracks 10 at times.

The time line is 1280x720 30p.

Is this enough info? If not let me know what you need and I am happy to send it along.
Paul Cronin
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Old February 16th, 2009, 10:27 AM   #4
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That's the problem Paul. Your animation needs to have an alpha channel associated with it. Is there any chance that it does? Here's how you can check:

1) Select the animation in your Browser window.
2) Scroll to the column that says Alpha Type and change it to Straight.
3) Drag this clip from the browser on top of some footage.

With a little luck it will have a transparent background. If not, then you need to recreate your animation with an alpha channel.

NOTE: When you change the status of a clip in the Browser (ex:changing the alpha type), it won't update the same clip located in the time line. You have to place the newly altered footage into the timeline again for your changes to take affect in the timeline.

What software did you use to create the animation?

I'm going to be out of the office today on a shoot, so I won't be able to answer any other questions until then. :)
Sony EX3, Canon 5D MkII, Chrosziel Matte Box, Sachtler tripod, Steadicam Flyer, Mac Pro, Apple/Adobe software - 20 years as a local videographer/editor
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Old February 16th, 2009, 10:38 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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Ah that makes sense.

Well I did not do the animations and the person who did does not have time to redo the 150 animations in the series. So I am stuck with what I have. Will work around it some how.

Thanks for your time.
Paul Cronin
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Old February 16th, 2009, 11:03 AM   #6
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If the animations have a consistent background - for example solid white or solid black, you can apply a LUMA key to them and often pull your own alpha key that way.

Similarly, if they have a solid color background you can use a traditional CHROMA key.

Good luck.
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Old February 16th, 2009, 11:42 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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Thanks Bill they have a solid blue color background. I will look into your suggestion.
Paul Cronin
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Old February 16th, 2009, 09:44 PM   #8
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There's you solution..... Chroma Key. That's one way to superimpose graphics, but not a very good way. Alpha channel is much better.

Another option is to have your animator re-render everything but only as alpha channel files (all black and what......literally....the color back and the color white with maybe some grey to define a drop shadow or something) They should render VERY quickly. Could be a simple solution if the Chroma Key doesn't work.

But I repeat....Chroma Key is not a good way to superimpose graphics. Don't let your graphic artist make this your normal workflow. Talk to him about using other codecs that can handle alpha channels. I use the Apple Animation codec, but I think there are others as well.

One last tip, if I'm creating the video project for the web or even DVD, I produce all the graphics in the progressive format (also known as "None" in some programs like FCP) This makes the edges of your graphics look very smooth. If you work interlaced and then try to convert to progressive, they will never look any good. Sometimes I'll even render them out both ways if the project needs to be both interlaced and progressive.
Sony EX3, Canon 5D MkII, Chrosziel Matte Box, Sachtler tripod, Steadicam Flyer, Mac Pro, Apple/Adobe software - 20 years as a local videographer/editor
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Old February 17th, 2009, 05:48 AM   #9
Inner Circle
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Thanks Mitchell,

The animator can not do them again so I am just going to have a few text that are over animations. To correct I did a dissolve when it passes. We did discuss this prior and I was told it would be in a channel where there would not be a problem. Oh well the client is aware and his person did the animations so he said use them they are fine.
Paul Cronin
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Old February 18th, 2009, 06:10 PM   #10
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There's one thing I'm not clear about.....

You shouldn't have any problem putting your text over or under the animations. The video layers are determined by how you layer in the timeline. If you put your text in the top layer, then it will be visible over all the other layers.

Just move the clips you want to be on top to the top most layer. Easy.
Sony EX3, Canon 5D MkII, Chrosziel Matte Box, Sachtler tripod, Steadicam Flyer, Mac Pro, Apple/Adobe software - 20 years as a local videographer/editor
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Old February 19th, 2009, 07:07 AM   #11
Inner Circle
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If I put the text under the animation that is Alfa None with a solid color background the text is not visible.
Paul Cronin
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Old February 19th, 2009, 08:20 AM   #12
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I thought you were going to use the Chroma Key effect to "key out" the blue background? Then it would work fine.

I've done Chroma Key in Final Cut Pro before and it works well. Here's a tutorial on how to do it:

How to chroma key in Final Cut Pro | Wonder How To

The good news for you is that you're working with a solid color, so you don't have to worry about dealing with an unevenly lit green or blue background. That will make things a lot easier for you. :)
Sony EX3, Canon 5D MkII, Chrosziel Matte Box, Sachtler tripod, Steadicam Flyer, Mac Pro, Apple/Adobe software - 20 years as a local videographer/editor
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Old February 19th, 2009, 08:33 AM   #13
Inner Circle
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Yes I am going to try the Chroma Key but I have been in the studio for the last 4 days finishing up the shooting for the production.

Thank you for the tutorial I will check in out.
Paul Cronin
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Old February 19th, 2009, 08:36 AM   #14
Inner Circle
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Mitchell sorry the link you sent me too is loaded with viruses and my computer will not let me go there.
Paul Cronin
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Old February 19th, 2009, 10:17 AM   #15
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No problem (I'm on a Mac). I just did a Google search for "Final Cut Pro Chroma Key" and found a bunch of tutorials. Try that and I'm sure you'll find something.
Sony EX3, Canon 5D MkII, Chrosziel Matte Box, Sachtler tripod, Steadicam Flyer, Mac Pro, Apple/Adobe software - 20 years as a local videographer/editor
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