FCP export stretched after color correction
Has anyone ever had this happen? I exported some clips from FCP as .MOV's and FCP movies. I then exported some clips that I had color-corrected and these wound up about 12% wider! The people look fat!
The only difference in the latter clip is that I had used the Three Way Color Correction filter. I can email screen grab stills of each to demonstrate if this needs clarification. I am frankly stumped and have never run across this since I began using FCP about 8 years ago.
After the fact I was able to open the clip in QT Pro and resize the movie using the Movie Properties tool and changing the Visual Settings to 640x480 and unchecking Preserve Aspect Ratio, but it baffles me why the original clips w/o color correction were OK but the ones with it got exported at a different pixel size. Got any ideas?
I ain't straight outta Compton, I'm straight out the trailer. Cuss like a sailor, drink like a Mc. My only words of wisdom are just, "Radio Edit."