24p Workflow help please at DVinfo.net
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Old December 20th, 2008, 10:30 PM   #1
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24p Workflow help please

I'm using the 1080p24 Workflow for Canon HV 20 instructions off the Apple website. Two questions that I cannot answer on my own based on the instructions:

1) Can I edit my clips and then send them through Compressor for the reverse telecine process or must I use Compressor up front, before editing? I'd rather edit, throw out the trash and then process the remaining clips but the instuctions aren't helpful.

2) Do I need to change the Sequence presets in the A/V Settings menue to a 24p timeline before moving forward. I've done this but how do I verify that the change I've made in the control panel has taken effect for the timeline?

Thank you for your help.
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Old December 21st, 2008, 02:49 AM   #2
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A couple of things Bob:
1) Is it vital you edit in 24p? (meaning going through the hassle of removing the pulldown)
2) How are you capturing your media into FCP? (via HV-20 firewire out or professional deck? I'll assume the first)

Your first question - Yes and no, You can edit HDV in a 60i container and then export a 60i quicktime (called current settings in FCP) but if you remove the pulldown later, any effects and transitions will be messed - additionally, titles and dissolves will be affected.

It can be done with straight cuts but most people don't bother with this workflow because of these issues. But this leads me to my #1 question - why are you doing this? If you are simply making an NTSC DVD from the HV20 stuff, that this is a complete waste of time. If you are uploading to the web, ditto. Yet, if you are making a feature film that will live on an HD-CAM SR or 24P DVD or Film Out, then it is mandatory.

When I first started editing in FCP, I manually changed my sequence setting before de-interlacing video. My material was 29.97 and I was trying to edit in 23.98. Everything looked terrible - all motion was interlaced. This will happen in you try and edit 29.97 in 23.98 and EVERYTHING you capture from the HV20 via firewire will be in 60i (Eugenia’s Rants and Thoughts Blog Archive Canon HV20 24p Pulldown). You verify your settings by scrolling right in your bin containing your sequence - just scroll right until you see its settings listed - your media settings will also be listed - make sure these match.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Remember, the most important question in workflow is "Why" not "How".
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Old December 21st, 2008, 11:53 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Christopher Drews View Post
Remember, the most important question in workflow is "Why" not "How".
Amen to THAT, brother!
Mike Barber
"I'm laughing to stop myself from screaming."
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Old December 21st, 2008, 12:50 PM   #4
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I'm stumped by the responses. I was under the (mis?) understanding that using 24p on the little Canon was the "way to go." I've only recently been experimenting with it. I thought you HAD to reverse telecine it under all circumstances.

Most of my stuff goes to a Vimeo channel or onto a SD DVD for presentation in classrooms.

I answered the question I originally posted. I forgot you can right click on the sequence and adjust the settings there.
Bob Kerner is offline   Reply

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