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Old December 8th, 2008, 02:15 PM   #1
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FCP / Apple Color / File Sizes


I'm pretty new to color correction stuff. In fact, I don't know much of it at all! I only have Final Cut Studio 1 at the moment and I use the 3-way color correction filter for all my clips to up the saturation a bit to make the color stand out more.

Now, exporting for DVD, I realize this increases the filesize a LOT! I'm talking, 2.23GB without color correction filters for a 2h45m movie (wedding reception) and 35.13GB with color correction filters for the same movie. Oh, and this isn't even self-contained.

So I'm just wondering if using Apple Color to do the color grading will do the same in terms of increasing file sizes?


(PS. On a side note, if anyone has any compressor tips to fit in iDVD, that would be great, thanks)
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Old December 8th, 2008, 03:58 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Chris Estrella View Post
Now, exporting for DVD, I realize this increases the filesize a LOT! I'm talking, 2.23GB without color correction filters for a 2h45m movie (wedding reception) and 35.13GB with color correction filters for the same movie. Oh, and this isn't even self-contained.
I'm not sure I am following your workflow... your final output should be the same size regardless of filters, etc. 60 minutes of DV is about 13 GB whether you have ten filters or none, so I'm confused about what exactly your numbers are about.

Regardless, Color creates new media when it renders. To make a long explanation short: expect a workflow using Color to require more scratch space for files.
Mike Barber
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Old December 8th, 2008, 04:02 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Chris Estrella View Post
PS. On a side note, if anyone has any compressor tips to fit in iDVD
Why are you using iDVD if you have FCS? There are compressor presets for fitting up to 150 minutes of DV on a standerd def DVD. I personally never try to fit any more than 120 minutes; the more time you try to fit in, the more quality you have to give up in order to compress the picture.
Mike Barber
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Old December 8th, 2008, 04:30 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Mike Barber View Post
Why are you using iDVD if you have FCS? There are compressor presets for fitting up to 150 minutes of DV on a standerd def DVD. I personally never try to fit any more than 120 minutes; the more time you try to fit in, the more quality you have to give up in order to compress the picture.
I am simply right clicking my timeline, and going export -> quick time movie -> save as current settings and self-contained NOT checked.

I am using iDVD because I know how to use it to make simple menus. I can probably do the same thing in DVDSP just as fast but I just don't know the program yet. I will definitely learn it once I finish my wedding videos for the year but I'm just set on some deadlines.

I took at 35GB file of mine and tried using Compressor to see what result I will get. I used the DVD best quality 120 minutes 16:9 setting and it compressed it to just over 5GB! So that's an improvement. But now the m2v file won't work in iDVD but I assume DVDSP will take it? Now I have no choice but to learn it! Haha...
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Old December 23rd, 2008, 06:43 PM   #5
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The best tutorial on COLOR

Buy Apple Pro Training Series book. Name: COLOR, Authors: Michael Whol and David Gross.
It comes with DVD lessons. Spend about 40 hours on study of this book and you will be an expert in Color. I consider this book as the ultimate training tool.
I bought another training DVD "Stop Staring and Start grading with Apple Color" which I wouldn't recommend to anyone. This is very much chaotic system of lessons jumping from one topic to another one leaving a lot of black holes behind. It does look to me that the main goal of the author of this DVD (Walter Biscardi, Jr.) was to fit information into one DVD, where at least two would be required.
So, go with the first one. And good luck.
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Old December 24th, 2008, 09:42 AM   #6
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I've been meaning to get the Apple Pro Training Series book for Color myself. I already have many of the Apple Pro Training Series and I swear by them. Excellent books that expand on the supplied documentation (which is the first thing anyone should read. Apple's manuals for their Pro apps are very well written and informative IMHO).
Mike Barber
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Old December 24th, 2008, 09:48 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chris Estrella View Post
I took at 35GB file of mine and tried using Compressor to see what result I will get. I used the DVD best quality 120 minutes 16:9 setting and it compressed it to just over 5GB! So that's an improvement. But now the m2v file won't work in iDVD but I assume DVDSP will take it? Now I have no choice but to learn it! Haha...
Yes, DVDSP will take the m2v and ac3 files, however you will either need to recompress your footage to get your media down to about 4 GB or will need to write to a dual layer DVD (I suggest recompressing using the 150 minute preset, DVD-DL requires a bit more advanced planning with media in DVDSP, too much to bite off if you are just starting to learn the app).
Mike Barber
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Old December 26th, 2008, 04:23 AM   #8
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Check your render settings are correct. I'm guessing that is where the problem is.
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