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Old December 4th, 2008, 12:27 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2007
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FCP to Compressor and out to DVD

After reading for days on different work flows using FCP to Compressor and out to DVD and then testing most myself these are some good ideas
Some key work flows I have read from various sources are:

I always make a self contained QT movie. Mainly so I have that as a MASTER SD file.
Then I drag that into compressor and make my MPG.

From FCP I just export to ProRes and drag that file into compressor. Drag one of the standard DVD settings onto it and you get beautiful progressive anamorphic video that many people think is HD.

1) Take your edited HD sequence in FCP.
2) Create as others have said an SD sequence, but MAKE SURE THE FIELD DOMINANCE IS SET TO NONE!!! It usually defaults to lower field first!!!
3) Drag your HD sequence to it, render and output

Export the timeline using compressor I get great results.

Export Quick Time Movie and make it a self contained movie. Drag into Compressor and compress.

Export using Quick time conversion. In the 'Compression Type' drop-down select Apple ProRes 422, or ProRes 422 (HQ). ProRes (HQ) can potentially give better quality. Render. Import into Compressor render.

There is more out there but I thought that these would help anyone starting.

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Old December 4th, 2008, 02:10 PM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Guernsey , Channel Islands
Posts: 242

when you say export to pro res can u just describe where this is ???

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