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Old October 27th, 2008, 10:49 AM   #1
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Help with file encode for Media Player

Hi all,
This might not be the appropriate forum for this but I'll take my chances.

I am working on a video installation where I need to have two 1080p vídeos on a continuos loop on two lcd screens. To do this I bought a Tvix 6500 media player:
Home > Products > TVIX HD M-6500A

Now I have been able to find very little support online for this device, and their own forums are mostly discussing how to view ripped dvds, not how to properly encode your own work.

So my question is, has anyone here used this device? If so what are the best encoding procedures? I have had good results with basic 1080p mp2. But have had no luck with H.264, even though it supposedly supports the format.

Another special need is tyo have ac3 5.1 surround sound, which I have been able to mux with the Mp2 file... but I wonder about other methods.

Either way I hope there are other people out there using this for delivering HD content, and can share some experiences.

Oh and I work on mac, using all the common tools, FCP, Compressor etc...

"I'm just videotaping the birds..."

Last edited by Roberto Bellini; October 27th, 2008 at 10:52 AM. Reason: forgot to mention mac
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