FCP Problems after installing 2nd Video Card
I installed a NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT card (slot 1) to go with the factory installed GeForce 7300 GT card (slot 4) in my 1st Gen Mac Pro (OS X.5.5 - 2 X 2.66 GHz - 9GB Ram). I also have a BlackMagic Intensity Pro card installed as well. I've got some new issues and possibly one older one, here goes...
In FCP 6, I used FxPlug filters in a sequence which are now "not supported by the hardware". They worked fine with the single 7300 GT which has only 256 mb of VRam, the 8800 GT has 512. Also, after removing FXPlug filters, when rendering a portion of a sequence I get an "out of memory" warning and the render stops.
Expansion Slot Utility shows the 7300 as running below maximum speed, the 8800 shows as full speed. I was only able to give Slot 4 a 8X lane with the alternate choices offered. I tried different physical slots and allocation choices to no avail. I have one monitor connected to the new card and two connected to the 7300. All are 20" LCD's.
Any thoughts.