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Old August 27th, 2008, 11:57 AM   #1
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FCP: problem with 30p footage on timeline

Hey everybody just a quick question..

The other day a team and I shot footage with a DVX100B in 30p. When I capture my footage and place it in the timeline, it looks great, sharp, the way it's supposed to look. But the Sequence settings are set to Field Dominance: Lower (Even). When I switch it from "Lower" to "none" (which is what I thought progressive footage should be set to) it looks terrible. What's going on with this?

Also, if I export a quicktime .h264 file when the sequence settings are set to Lower field dominance, the video appears interlaced during transitions and stuff. But the rest of the video looks fine like that (sharp, clear). Am I missing something? Thanks a lot,

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Old August 27th, 2008, 12:15 PM   #2
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Leave field dominance to lower. The only way to get 30 progressive frames is to render out using AE or Compressor (much like removing the pulldown if you shot 24p). Your footage is actually 30p over 60i (ie - 29.97 should be your sequence setting).

Hope this helps,
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Old August 27th, 2008, 12:20 PM   #3
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the problem with that, is i'm using an image as part of this sequence, and when the image moves I get very noticeable interlaced lines. But again, when I set it to None, the images look great, but the video stinks.

Does the DVX actually capture a progressive Image? I'm trying to make this go to web what's the best way to avoid this problem?
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Old August 27th, 2008, 02:19 PM   #4
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30p captured as 30p should have no interlacing. Not sure where it's coming from. Is is possible you shot in 60i by mistake or captured with fields on?

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Old August 27th, 2008, 08:23 PM   #5
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I'm 100% sure we shot 30p I triple checked it before we started. For the capture preset I think I just did Easy Setup 29.97 fps, how do I specifically avoid capturing fields?
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Old August 28th, 2008, 01:26 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Christian Nachtrieb View Post
I'm 100% sure we shot 30p I triple checked it before we started. For the capture preset I think I just did Easy Setup 29.97 fps, how do I specifically avoid capturing fields?
If you capture 30p as 29.97 interlaced, then your footage will remain 30p but on an interlaced timeline, but any effect you add (like a dissolve) will be interlaced, and if you de-interlace it the 30p footage will look like crap and the interlace effects will look correct. It is very painful, and I don't see any reason why we edit interlaced DV at all any more!?
As you know even though your footage is 30p, if you go into your sequence settings and change the field dominance to none, the whole time line will need to be rendered. Have you tried changing the fps to 30 in addition to that... I've never tried that.
Anyway you have to capture your footage as 30p, choose the dv easy setup and then go into
Final Cut (drop down)>audio video settings>capture presets (tab) and you can edit the capture settings there to 30p and NO field dominance.
Make sure the sequence settings are the same as well. I have never done this, but I helped someone fix there finished video, and can't help but assume this is the right way.
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Old August 28th, 2008, 08:14 PM   #7
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I stand by what I said: Use After Effects to create true 30p and you'll be able to do exactly what you want to do.
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Old August 29th, 2008, 11:32 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Christopher Drews View Post
I stand by what I said: Use After Effects to create true 30p and you'll be able to do exactly what you want to do.
Oh, so you are saying to re-compress all the raw footage before editing to bring into a 30p timeline in FCP?
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Old August 29th, 2008, 12:17 PM   #9
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All you have to do is recapture your footage into a 30p timeline, not the interlaced that you must have done. Use the HDV-1080P30 Firewire Basic Easy Setup and you're there. If you have to render to edit, then your sequence settings are different from your capture settings.
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Old November 7th, 2008, 10:34 AM   #10
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editing 30p on the infamous 30i timeline


I have been shooting 30p for a year using a Pana SPX800 to P2 cards.

I edit the resultant PS MXF files using AVID's Newscutter on a 29.97i timeline.

I have many dissolves and chyrons (name keys) and even add an open that was shot at 29.97i, all on the same timeline of AVID's 29.97i

The AVID does not use a 30p (actaully 29.97) timline.

Anyway, I export the finished editing timeline as a QuckTime Reference file and import that file into Vegas' Pro 8. Once in Vegas I can change the properties of the QT file to Progressive and 1.2121 16:9 aspect ratio. Once that is done (takes 1 sec) I render out as a MPEG-2 and burn a DVD using SONY's Arch but I have to select progressive scan in ARCH as it sees the 29.97 not as a flagged source but rather as 29.97.

The result is that all the various disssolves and videos (whether originally shot as 30p (actually 30p is nothing more than 29.97 with flags to mimic 30por 29.97i) is all smooth and plays perfect and have no interlaced artuifacts whatsoever.


Wirth all the glamour regarding FCP you would think it could edit 30p on a 30i timeline (29.97 of course).
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Old November 7th, 2008, 10:36 AM   #11
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editing 30p on the infamous 30i timeline


I have been shooting 30p for a year using a Pana SPX800 to P2 cards.

I edit the resultant PS MXF files using AVID's Newscutter on a 29.97i timeline.

I have many dissolves and chyrons (name keys) and even add an open that was shot at 29.97i, all on the same timeline of AVID's 29.97i

The AVID does not use a 30p (actually 29.97) timeline.

Anyway, I export the finished edited timeline as a QuckTime Reference file and import that QT file into Vegas' Pro 8. Once in Vegas I can change the QT clip properties to Progressive scan and 1.2121 16:9 aspect ratio. Once that is done (takes 1 sec) I render out as a MPEG-2 and burn a DVD using SONY's Arch but I have to select progressive scan in ARCH as it sees the 29.97 not as a flagged source but rather as 29.97 unflagged.

The result is that all the various disssolves and videos (whether originally shot as 30p (actually 30p is nothing more than 29.97 with flags to mimic 30por 29.97i) is all smooth and plays perfect and have no interlaced artuifacts whatsoever.


With all the glamour regarding FCP you would think it could edit 30p on a 30i timeline (29.97 of course).
Patrick Forestell is offline   Reply

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