GY-HD101E HDV -> ProRes via firewire -> AfterEffects -> FCP at
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Old August 4th, 2008, 06:49 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Athens, Greece
Posts: 19
GY-HD101E HDV -> ProRes via firewire -> AfterEffects -> FCP

Hello everyone,

I was wondering how I could go about using 720p24 ProRes footage captured directly from the GY-HD101E via firewire in FCP (6.0.4) into After Effects and then back to FCP...

I only care to get some scenes (not the whole movie edit) into AE for digital effects and then out to FCP in order to grade with Color...

I try to import the pure ProRes footagein AE, and by doing very simple operations, AE crashes. So I was wondering to what I should convert to, work in AE, then convert back out to...?

Warm Regards,

Nick Papadopoulos
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Old August 4th, 2008, 10:39 PM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Toronto, ON, Canada
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Is your AE on the same system as FCS2? IF not then you will have to copy the ProRes codec onto the AE system. If AE is on a PC then you'll have to use a different codec.

You can export edited sections as Quicktime reference movie. Years ago there was a free AAF exporter for FCP (supplied by Automatic Duck I think) that could export and AAF that could be imported into AE as a composition (with layers.) I just tried google searching and couldn't find the exporter. I wonder if MXF or XML would work?

If you don't specifically need After Effects I would suggest Motion 3, which I've completely converted to.
Tim Dashwood
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Old August 5th, 2008, 12:37 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Athens, Greece
Posts: 19

Yes, AE is on the same system. You see though, my problem is ProRes... It's not a very stable solution for me since I get crashing every so often, with very simple operations on the image. I tried it on DV footage and I had no problems. I understand that AE really likes I-Frame based codecs, but perhaps not this one... (AE CS3 updated)

Even with automatic duck, the project does not get converted, it just creates a file that references all media on disk, and is readable by AE.

I really do need AE for my HD work, since its is part of the team's workflow...

Anyone else having problems (or solutions :) ) with ProRes and AE CS3?
Nick Papadopoulos is offline   Reply

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