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Final Cut Suite
Discussing the editing of all formats with FCS, FCP, FCE

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Old May 17th, 2008, 09:51 PM   #1
Regular Crew
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Roseville MN
Posts: 33

Ok. I will lay this out as easily as I can. I shot a wedding using a DVX100 panasonic camera. I shot the wedding in "Letterbox" and imported into final cut regularly. Now that i have finished editing, what steps do i take in order to get it onto a dvd in the best quality. I am not too familiar with compressor, but can fugure it out if I get step by step directions. Also, does the letterbox thing mess anything up for me? It was letterboxed while i shot, not after the fact in FCP. thank you to whoever responds.
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Old May 18th, 2008, 08:15 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Lismore, New South Wales
Posts: 31
What were the settings for the timeline? When you say it was letterboxed when you filmed do you mean that you shot in 16:9? When you say you imported "regularly" do you mean you had the same import settings as you recored?

Does everything look correct, if the image looks compressed, ie tall and thin then you have 16:9 footage in a 4:3 timeline. If everything is looking strectched out then that's 4:3 in a 16:9 timeline. Also if you have black bars at either side of the image that's 4:3 in a 16:9 timeline.

FCP isn't going to show you letterboxing unless you drop a 16:9 "sequence" into a 4:3 timeline.

If you're looking for instruction on making a DVD check out the tutorial secitons of lafcpug.org or kenstone.net.

Also Apple pro training series of books are a good step by step solution.

hope this helps

David Tindale is offline   Reply

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