FCP HD 24pA Pulldown Removal Problems at DVinfo.net
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Old February 14th, 2008, 11:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 2
FCP HD 24pA Pulldown Removal Problems

I’m editing an HD Short shot at 24pA on the Panasonic HDX 900. I want to edit it all in a sequence set at 23.98.

I’m using FCP Studio 2 (FCP Version 6.0).

The footage has all been imported in its native form with the following specs:

Frame Size: 1280 x 1080
Vid Rate: 29.97
Data Rate: (14.5 MB/Sec)
Pixel Aspect (1280 x 1080)
Not Anamorphic
Field Dominence: Upper Odd

In order to get it to run at 23.98, I've attempted to do “remove advance pulldown” on each clip. This has worked smoothly on MOST clips and the footage looks and feels fantastic! BUT, I’m now running into some serious problems.


On several of the clips, the process of doing “remove advance pulldown” has resulted in the clips going offline. I have so far not been able to reconnect them.

When I go to reconnect media, the individual quicktime media files for each clip are right where they should be in my finder’s Capture Scratch. But when I click reconnect, nothing happens.

I’ve also tried re-importing the clips from Capture Scratch into a new FCP project. This brings up a box that says “File Unknown.”


On a few of the clips being run through “remove advanced pulldown,” the process has worked (it brings the rate to 23.98) but the sound has disappeared. There is sound on them in the first few seconds, then it drops off for the rest of the clip. (Note: The sound is also missing from the relevent quicktime media files for these clips in Capture Scratch). This has happened on on two clips so far, but it has not happened on 10 others that have successfully run through “remove advanced pulldown.”

Does anyone see a pattern or a reason for these problems?

Is there an advanced way to reconnect the clips that went offline during pulldown removal? Are the files corrupted somehow?

Is there a way to recover the sound on the clips that lost sound during pulldown removal?

Do I just need to go back to square one and re-import the footage at issue (something I’d like to avoid for financial reasons)?

A few other details that may be relevant:

My Mac’s Processor is 2x2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon, Memory 3GB 667MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM. Based on advice from the HDX 900 camera manual, the footage was brought in with Capture Now (evidently batch capture not allowed with the HDX 900). It was brought in in 1-4 minute chunks (clips).
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