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Old February 8th, 2008, 04:46 PM   #1
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Time machine Backup of video projects!

Hey guys,

I'm in the process of getting my first MacPro. Just wanted to see if anyone using time machine feature to backup their project and video files instead of having drives configured in RAID 1 or RAID 5.

Let's say if I have a 1TB internal drive for my video files. If I get a 1TB external drive (or another internal drive) and have time machine backup video files in internal drive to this daily. I guess effectivley this is same as RAID 1 config. But I'm just puzzled why no one is doing this (or atleast not talking about it).

I have no Mac experience so forgive me if I'm not getting something right.

One more thing, if I plan to edit HD (HDV), is speed of a single SATA drive (7200 rpm) is good enough or I must have a RAID 0 (Stripped) config for faster data access?

Thanks for your help.
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Old February 8th, 2008, 04:49 PM   #2
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raid 1 does it automatically. I have read lots of comments about having files on multiple hard drives as backup. the drawback to copying the files to another drive is the time spent fist uploading footage to the internal drives, then copying the same files to an external drive.
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