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Old February 6th, 2008, 02:43 AM   #1
Major Player
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Sequence VS Nesting

Hey Folks,

So I usually cut in FCP

For the longest time i would simply edit projects in one single timeline (10-20 minute shorts), but eventually that got old. Early last year i started editing each scene of a project in a seperate sequence in then adding them together for the complete film. Recently a friend of mine introduced me to "nesting" clips together. Are there any benefits to nesting files together instead of cutting them together in a seperate sequence?

- Jay
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Old February 6th, 2008, 02:56 AM   #2
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I don't really see the point in that. It seems like the same amount of work to me. The only time I nest is when I'm putting together different projects I've done in the past.

If there is a good reason though, I'd love to hear it. Maybe someone else could chime in?
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Old February 6th, 2008, 04:20 AM   #3
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Nesting FX/ Scenes

try adding a blur edges around an entire quad split screen effect. It will put blur around all 4 shots. If you nest it, the blur will be around the entire frame of video; as oppose to all shots in the frame.

Typically long-form scenes are edited in individual sequences as well, and later nested in a master timeline. Hope this helps.

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Old February 6th, 2008, 04:10 PM   #4
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I use nesting only when compositing tracks and adding certain effects to the whole, as described by Eric. For example, I may have a composite of video tracks that I need to apply an affect to such that I want the affect to be applied to the composite as a whole (as if it was a single track). Something as simple as fading in/out can benefit from nesting a composite this way because you usually get different (pronounced "bad") results fading composited tracks individually than when you do when done as a nested sequence. Theoretically you could put your composite into a "regular" sequence to achieve the same result.

I use sequences to break up longer pieces into manageable parts, again, as Eric describes.

VM Productions
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Old February 6th, 2008, 06:23 PM   #5
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Very complex long form projects can be better managed if you edit in "chapters". Sort of like reels in feature films. This way problems can be isolated within sequences. I try to make sure that the breakpoints between chapters is an easy cut or a fade out of some sort. Motion pictures still use this method.

There are a few drawbacks. Changing the length of a chapter can cause problems with the master sequence. Shortening usually is fine but lengthening a sequence can actually crash the program. Putting nested sequences on separate tracks can prevent this. An alternate method is to create reference QuickTime files from each chapter.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old February 6th, 2008, 06:42 PM   #6
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I nest a great deal

I nest for composited effects as described above. We wanted a sequence with a group of small clips crawling across the top of the screen and a group crawling the bottom in the opposite direction with an anim and titles in the background. I created one sequence for the top clips and one for the bottom. Made a third sequence with the anim then nested the two crawls and put the titles over that. I find this much easier to manage than doing it all in one sequence

I also nest my entire movie. For my wedding videos I basically have everything broke down into scenes, groom house, bride house, church, park etc. Then I nest them. I just find it much easier to manage, especially since changes are a way a life.

Yes, if I make significant changes to the individual sequences it effects the master but I can rebuild that master sequence in seconds, I just drop everthing in sequentially

Mostly though, I like cutting sequences to take advantage of the non linear part of non linear editing. Often, when I begin a project I may not have all the info I need, like dates and titles for early sequences so I can begin working on the reception while waiting for that info

Finally, I have a busy work environment and have an assistant who helps me out. He can begin working on the reception of one wedding (on his workstation) while I finish up another. Then I can take his project and work on the more complex parts of it anytime he is not here.

It took me a while to factor sequences and nesting into my workflow but I can honestly say it has increased my productivity and management
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