Is it safe yet to change over to Leopard at
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Old January 1st, 2008, 08:11 AM   #1
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Is it safe yet to change over to Leopard

I've been waiting to see how the change-over to Leopard is going before attempting the same. I'm running Final Cut Studio 2 on an 8-Core Mac in our studio and was wondering if it's a good time to make the leap to the new OS.

Kalunga Lima
PMW-350, PDW-F350, PDW-EX1, MacBookPro, MacPro 8-Core, Final Cut Studio 2, Canon 5D MkII
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Old January 1st, 2008, 10:35 AM   #2
Go Go Godzilla
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There are a few things you need to know before making the switch to Leopard:

First, *do not* do an "Archive & Install" or upgrade, do a fresh, clean install of the OS and your apps. Search the forums both here and on Apple Discussions pages and you'll see post after post of people with issues with FCS after doing an "upgrade" install.

Second, make sure that all your apps are Leopard-ready. Not all are, and even Photoshop CS3 has a few bugs yet to be worked out (it works, but not all features work properly - yet).

Lastly, Disk Warrior (which is maintenance/directory utility that I consider to be a must-have for any Mac user) is not fully Leopard functional yet. You can boot from the ver 4 disk and repair a Leopard boot-disk, but you can't yet install and run it from Leopard natively. That's a major issue right now because until the Leopard-compatible version is released you can't fix directory issues with external drives, which means you can't fix an external array if there are any directory related issues (and they do happen from time to time).

Having said that, our main edit system is now running fully on Leopard and so far there have been no issues; certain operations like renders and Compressor encodes actually happen a bit faster (look to BARE-FEATS to post details on comparisons) and boot times are significantly faster.

However, we kept our HDD with 10.4.11 intact so that if problems arise with our external drives and arrays that we can simply re-insert that OS and allow Disk Warrior to do it's job of fixing problems on the externals.
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