Mixing frame rates in FCP 6.0.2 at DVinfo.net
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Old December 29th, 2007, 05:29 PM   #1
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Mixing frame rates in FCP 6.0.2

I am mixing 23.98 and 29.97 SD video on a timeline and I cannot seem to get a proper pulldown in Final Cut. I have tried easy setup with "all frame rates" selected. I have tried a timeline with a 23.98 time base and also a 29.97 time base. Each causes pulldown issues to the non-native frame rate. For example, if I conform a timeline to 23.98, the 29.97 video stutters (no pulldown). If I conform to a 29.97 timeline, the 23.98 video suffers with a repeat 5th frame-hence an unnecessary pulldown. Anyone have an easy solution or is this a FCP bug?

Thanks, Larry
Larry Huntington is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 30th, 2007, 02:03 AM   #2
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What framerate did you shoot the 23.98 at? You must likely need to de-interlace this if it was shot on DV or HDV. Otherwise, a NTSC timeline will work perfect for DV 23.98 mixing with NTSC.

Do not conform as it does nothing useful to the video. You must actually de-interlace if you'd like the footage to have the same framerate. Check out JES de-interlacer, it will help get your framerates the same.

If that doesn't work, you could always reverse telecine in Cinema Tools. Although, this is a bit dangerous as you have the possibility of destroying your original footage.

Hope this helps,
Christopher Drews is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 30th, 2007, 01:32 PM   #3
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I am extracting footage from a dv 24p dvd and I do not know what frame rate it was shot at. But, I do own a Canon XH-A1 and I have tried to mix hdv 24f with 60i with the repeat 5th frame results on a dv-ntsc timeline. So from what I gathered from your reply was that I need to reverse telecine the 24p footage in Cinema Tools and place that on the dv-ntsc timeline? Or, better yet I could deinterlace the 29.97 footage and work with a 23.98 timeline? I have more 29.97 footage so I am working on a regular dv-ntsc timeline which seems to work better for this project. I have 2 clips that need pulldown removal: One is HDV 24f and the other is an extracted dvd with dvdxdv. They both need the 2:3 pulldown removed but Final Cut doesn't know what to do with it.
Thanks for the JES de-interlacer link. I'll check that out.
Larry Huntington is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 30th, 2007, 07:28 PM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2006
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not that you want to hear it, but you may want to go back to 6.0.1. 6.0.2 has broken mixing frame rates. please complain directly to apple here


and let them know loud an clear they have really F'd this up badly. TL's I had working perfect in 6.0.1 are messing up bigtime in 6.0.2. I'm totally P#SS@D about this because its broken several of my projects.
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