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Old April 11th, 2018, 12:13 PM   #31
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Re: Mac Pro status

The shift to anything other than Intel is wild rumor at this point. I write software for a living, and this would be a huge hurdle for software developers in general. It also assumes that Apple has been developing (in secret) desktop class ARM chips that could rival Xeons, etc. The current suite of ARM procs are built for very low power consumption. The equation is much different for workstation-class procs.

What I personally see is the inclusion of an ARM co-processor. That would allow for one more "natively" test iOS, watchOS and tvOS software in the simuator. Though still not a replacement for testing on actual devices. And, potentially to allow a Mac to run iOS, etc. software. Still, that's a bit cumbersome as the software is originally designed for touch interaction and not mouse-keyboard interaction.
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Old April 11th, 2018, 12:14 PM   #32
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Re: Mac Pro status

Originally Posted by Boyd Ostroff View Post
Well (happily) I don't have personal experience with getting an old computer repaired, but Apple's official policy would seem to be at odds with what you have posted. This is how they classify old computers. Note that the date of purchase is not the criterion, it's the date when they stopped manufacturing that model.

"Vintage products are those that have not been manufactured for more than 5 and less than 7 years ago.

Obsolete products are those that were discontinued more than 7 years ago."

Here's a list of the computers they won't service anymore and the 2012 Mac Pro isn't on it. If they refused to service your computer, it would be interesting to hear how they justify that...
I didn't have to repair it thankfully. As to the info I posted above, that was given to me at the time by someone at AppleCare. Sounds like they mis-spoke at the time.
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