Good articles on how FCP-X was used in cutting "Focus" at
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Old November 5th, 2015, 04:30 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Good articles on how FCP-X was used in cutting "Focus"

Part 1
How the Hollywood feature film Focus was edited on Final Cut Pro X Part One

Part 2
How the Hollywood feature film Focus was edited on Final Cut Pro X Part Two
Dean Sensui
Exec Producer, Hawaii Goes Fishing
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Old November 5th, 2015, 07:03 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Re: Good articles on how FCP-X was used in cutting "Focus"

Thanks for sharing. That was an interesting read.

One thing I noticed, there were numerous mentions of the script but no mention of the storyboard. Do they not use a storyboard anymore? Or does the script verbalize how to shoot the scenes?

Don’t know hot others find it, but for me, editing the audio is the more difficult part.

One of the FCP X version upgrades I really liked was wen they added multicam with syncing. That was really great. Using Motion, like for titles, really ups the ante in helping to add interest and make the video look more professional. What Hollywood was probably paying big bucks for a few decades ago one can easily knock out in short order on their laptop.

Editorial comment: At the end they are all having a white tablecloth dinner and that seems to be standard fare with bigger productions. I notice that in the BBC series like “Ballykissangel,” “Downton Abbey,” or “Monarch of the Glenn,’” for example, they always have a happy ending - wedding, or something like that, and I’m sure this is arranged by the script writers so everyone and their family can be invited to a festive dinner as part of the movie ending.
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