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Old January 31st, 2012, 08:20 AM   #1
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FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

Apple - Final Cut Pro X - Software Update

Plus more chroma options, layered photoshop importing, XML 1.1 support, and a beta for broadcast monitoring.

And it's free!

Edit: It looks like they've just released a $9.99 app to import FCP 7 projects into FCP X. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/7tox-...258?ls=1&mt=12
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Old January 31st, 2012, 09:57 AM   #2
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

Has the sky opened and sunshine returned?

Multicam with mixed formats? The light is blinding me (of course, only if it works)!
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old January 31st, 2012, 11:52 AM   #3
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

Apple is doing what they always do with their "ground breaking - new paradigm" products. They're putting it out there and then addressing the issues that the users bring up to prioritize their bullet list of what to do to it next. Notice that XML and Multicam were the two most ranted about things missing from FCPX... and the first 2 addressed.

Software development is not an infinite resource endeavor. With everyone focussed on making FCPX, there was no one left to do FCP8 - and as a business looking toward a new product, no reason to (look at the Lisa and the Apple III) do so if you can throw all of your resources to push the new product forward faster.

Since they were building it primarily from the ground up, it makes sense that they would build the foundation before all of the other bits and pieces. I'm happy they seem to be looking to the community for a list of what is the most important to focus on next.

XML first also enabled a 3rd party to come in and make a converter from 7 to X that addresses another complaint without having to spend any resources on it... they could potentially even just buy that converter from the developer and add it in to the program as a File menu import option.

It's like so many other things they've done in the past. In a year or two (which will be too late for some), they will have a product that was specifically made to fit into the Apple look and feel that addresses the needs of its users across the board. OSX looked really stupid when it first came out until I opened the terminal application and saw that all of the power I needed as a network/systems admin was there but hidden from the standard end user. Much more elegant "pleasing everybody" type of approach to hiding the technology behind the interface, but leaving the power there for those who need it.

This is no longer an abandoned Adobe product from the late 80s that changed hands too many times (through Macromedia)... this is a single developer product that fits within the primary look and feel of the platform.
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Old January 31st, 2012, 12:30 PM   #4
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

Used the Photoshop layers addition already. The layers act like a compound clip, just like in FCP7. Very convenient but it needs to be able to have clip markers work back and forth. I put a marker on the file in the timeline but it didn't show up when I opened the file in a separate timeline.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old February 1st, 2012, 12:53 PM   #5
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Document Based vs Database

A database file management system is going to be, ultimately, much better than a document based file management system. It will be like a jet turning on it's afterburner or JATOs. The new FCP database system will make it much easier for new features to be added.

Yesterday I checked for "Updates" and was told there were none. This morning, again, I checked for updates and again was told (computer message) there were none. Did a quick Internet search for "FCP X 10.0.3" and found lots of hits so I called Apple and rather than just get a simple update with a small download I had to trash my 10.0.2 copy and download .3 from scratch. All 2.5 hours worth!

It's good to see there is improved Title editing because the past few days I was having real problems editing my titles. Hopefully the improvement will make it easier but it'll be a couple hours before I can find out.

Just bought the paperback book "Final Cut Pro X, How it Works", Edgar Rothermich, and although I never used FCP7 this looks like it would be really helpful for those who did. There are a lot of examples of how one did things in 7 with the comparison of how it is now done in X. This should be helpful to 7 converts.
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Old February 1st, 2012, 05:43 PM   #6
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

I've been using Premiere Pro while FCP X was being brought up to spec, but now that FCP X got upgraded, I thought I'd try their multicam editing feature for my latest project. Wow. I'm blown away. No instruction manual. I just selected all the camera angles and the separate sound file, right-clicked, selected New Multi-cam Clip (taking a guess) and the attached image is what I'm left seeing: four camera angles automatically synced up and ready to cut. So much for needing Plural Eyes.

Seems blindingly simple compared to what it took to figure out Premiere's multi-clip editing. Haven't had a chance to edit it all the way through, but it looks promising.

Any experience from anyone else? Bumps? Bruises? Revelations?
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FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!-multi-clip.jpg  
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Old February 2nd, 2012, 08:43 AM   #7
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

I have to say I'm impressed with Apple and how they're (finally) handling FCP. I had the 10.0.2 demo, which had already expired, but was really curious to give this new version a shot, as I saw a few things in some demo videos which had previously given me migraines.

I trashed the 10.0.2 version and downloaded the 10.0.3 demo on a whim, not expecting it to work. To my pleasant surprise, the new version offers a new full 30 day demo. Really glad to see they're going the extra mile to get the software (back) in people's hands.

And trying the trick I saw in that demo video finally broke the logjam in my mind on how this program works, so unless I find some other time bomb in there, I'm all in.
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Old February 2nd, 2012, 11:02 AM   #8
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Re: Document Based vs Database

Originally Posted by John Nantz View Post
Yesterday I checked for "Updates" and was told there were none. This morning, again, I checked for updates and again was told (computer message) there were none. Did a quick Internet search for "FCP X 10.0.3" and found lots of hits so I called Apple and rather than just get a simple update with a small download I had to trash my 10.0.2 copy and download .3 from scratch. All 2.5 hours worth!
Just out of curiousity, did you look under Mac App Store, or under Software Update? I've been reading that a few people had issues getting the update to come up.

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Old February 2nd, 2012, 11:03 AM   #9
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

I was able to talk to Richard Townhill at Apple on the phone about the big FCP X update, and he said they have a tremendous number of third-party developers onboard.

Apple’s Richard Townhill Talks Final Cut Pro X 10.0.3: Multicam, Broadcast Monitoring, and More | heath mcknight dot com

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Old February 3rd, 2012, 02:10 AM   #10
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

The update came out on the same day that I shot a large public hearing with five cams: A Panasonic AG-HMC80, Sony 560V, Canon 5D MKII, Canon 7D and a GoPro HD Hero2. Loaded up the footage, and it synced up without a hitch. Color correction much faster than with PP and AE.

Looks like the ugly duckling is maturing.
Doug Thompson
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 02:07 PM   #11
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Re: Document Based vs Database

Originally Posted by Heath McKnight View Post
Just out of curiousity, did you look under Mac App Store, or under Software Update? I've been reading that a few people had issues getting the update to come up.
Actually, no, I hadn't (looked under Mac App Store). Also, in a way I'm glad that a few other people had the same problem doing an update because, at least that way I don't feel like a total computer clutz.

I've got a second FCPX install (they allow two) on my other computer. Went to the Seattle boat show yesterday and got back late so didn't get anything accomplished; however, today is a new day and updating it from .2 to .3 is the first thing on my to-do list. I'm just dreading the thought of another 2.5 hour download but I guess I can find some way to twiddle away the time.

You know, there is one other thing that is bothersome and that's what to call "it". There's FCPX, FCP-X, FCP X, FCX, .... and I think there may have been a few other versions I've come across. Personally, I don't particularly care for using four letters because it's too much typing. Caps is bad enough. Wonder if Apple has an official short term for it?

While it was in development I occasionally called it FCPx but now that it seems to have matured I guess that maybe the full X is in order? In aircraft the X stands for experimental.

I also don't care for the full jump from 7 to 10. Aren't they supposed to go to 8 next???

And, what about FCX.3 or FCPX.3 for version .3?

Last edited by John Nantz; February 3rd, 2012 at 02:12 PM. Reason: second thought
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 02:31 PM   #12
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

Open the Mac App Store, go to the Updates tab, and download each update individually, so you don't have to trash the old app, then reinstall the new one.

I call it FCP X; QuickTime jumped to X, too, lol.

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Old February 3rd, 2012, 03:28 PM   #13
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Re: Document Based vs Database

Originally Posted by John Nantz View Post
Actually, no, I hadn't (looked under Mac App Store). Also, in a way I'm glad that a few other people had the same problem doing an update because, at least that way I don't feel like a total computer clutz.

I've got a second FCPX install (they allow two) on my other computer. Went to the Seattle boat show yesterday and got back late so didn't get anything accomplished; however, today is a new day and updating it from .2 to .3 is the first thing on my to-do list. I'm just dreading the thought of another 2.5 hour download but I guess I can find some way to twiddle away the time.

I have FCP X, Motion and Compressor on both my desktop editing Mac and a Macbook Pro and both had "3" on the App Store icon on the dock on Wednesday morning so I checked and the updates were listed for install.

I just set both to "install all" and then took off on a shoot. They were done when I got back.

Doug Thompson
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 05:35 PM   #14
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Updating FCPX: Local Knowledge Required

First off, reply to Doug. Quote: "I just set both to "install all" and then took off on a shoot. They were done when I got back."

Well, Doug, you're just too dang efficient! Guess I could have done that too but I kinda like to be around incase "stuff" happens, or maybe that's just my excuse.

Regard the "Update" download "problem", this is definitely a "local knowledge required" thing. The way I did it was wrong. Here's why.

1. Going to the Apple icon in the iOS tool bar and clicking on "Software update..." is wrong. Yes, FCPX is a software, BUT, it is not part of iOS. Going this route doesn't tell you that, you're just supposed to know that.

2. Option 2, open up FCPX and in the tool bar selet something like "Check for new whatever" [don't remember exactly what it said but it implied, at least, one would check for updates. Realize you're in the FCPX application and not in iOS so you'd think you're checking for the FCPX update. It goes though all the motions and tell you your software is up to date. How can that be? You're in FCPX.2 and everybody else is downloading the update for X.3? What gives? Wrong again (you clutz).

3. Option 3, go to the App Store and FCPX is the top left icon. It says, rightfully, that it is "Installed". You know that's correct because that's what you're trying to update, right? Can you update here? Nope (again).

4. Option 4, call Apple Store Specialist or support. Hopefully you don't get the guy I taked to the first time that tells you to trash your FCPX copy because now you have to download the WHOLE thing. This time I got someone a little smarter. Now the proper way. On the page where you can see the FCPX icon, at the top of the web page is a tool bar with little grey icons. The one on the far right has an arrow pointing down and this is for Updates. Click on this and that's where you get your .3 update!

How do you know this? Because you read it here! or maybe you called Apple and talked to someone in the FCPX section ('cuz the other people don't know this).

Hope this helps.

Local Knowledge Required!
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 07:21 PM   #15
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!


Yikes! That was quite an adventure. I'm not even going to try to replicate that. Not sure I have the tech know how to pull that off :) In my case it's always better to be dumb and stupid and click the right button by accident.

Doug Thompson
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