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Old February 3rd, 2012, 07:49 PM   #16
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!


It rains a lot where John lives. Apparently driving around with your windows fogged up all the time makes you a little... sensitive.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 09:13 PM   #17
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Rain and Sensitivity...

Okay, Charles, you're right on two counts.

1. It does rain a lot here. We have one month of unusual weather, though, and it comes in August. Boaters call it "Fogust." (It's often foggy in the morning and sometimes even all day) However, I can't use the weather this time as an excuse for being sensitive because today we had a sun-break. Actually, I think there was one yesterday but I was indoors all day at the Seattle boat show and it was dark when I came out. So much for that excuse.

2. Rain Sensitivity, well, kinda, but more the backhanded side of it. It's when it stops, like today. The sun came out and it hurt my eyes. Haven't seen the sunglasses since probably last October. Between the short days and the grey skies you don't need 'em that much.

Staying a little more "on-topic", though, with regard to Updates.

I had thought I updated FCPX.2 earlier today by using the right/correct button (I'm not as lucky as Doug so I have to go though all the trial-and-error steps first before I finally "luck" out - usually co-insides with calling 1-(800)-Apple or something like that), .... and downloaded the update but as it probably turned out, iOS-Lion had an update just a couple days ago and apparently that was what was downloaded. The version numbers are really close together, like 10.7.3 for Lion vs 10.0.3 for FCPX.3.

Guess I didn't notice the little .7 there. Probably blinded by the bright light of the monitor.

It may not be over because after downloading the update it didn't say Finished, or Restart your Computer, or anything.... it just ....quit. Left me with a window that had no moving anything. Time now to re-boot the computer and see if it's updated.

So there you have it......

Oh, and fogged-windows aren't too bad as long as nothing gets in the way. Watch out for that bright sunlight, it can be hard on the eyeballs.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 11:27 PM   #18
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

The new multicam editing is so freaking slick. Granted I never used multicam in legacy FCP or any other NLE, so I'm not really saying this as a comparison, since I don't know what they were like. But just that I love it and it's super easy and fast to use.
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Old February 4th, 2012, 05:53 AM   #19
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Re: FCP X Upgraded to 10.0.3 - multicam editing returns!

Originally Posted by Charles Newcomb View Post

It rains a lot where John lives. Apparently driving around with your windows fogged up all the time makes you a little... sensitive.
No problem. I feel John's pain :)

Yeah, I does rain a lot in the Pacific Northwest. Here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia rain just means a day when I can't crank up the Harley and head out for the twisties. Rain forces me to focus on editing projects, which is what I should be doing even when the sun shines.

FCP keeps maturing and I'm finding it more and more fun to use. Just wish it would work natively with MTS files. The import process from my Panasonic AG-HMC 80 is a pain and takes a lot of disk space. It's a lot easier to just load the MTS clips into Premiere Pro CS5 and work from scratch.
Doug Thompson
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