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Final Cut Pro X
The latest version of FCP from Apple.

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Old June 22nd, 2011, 11:26 PM   #1
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That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

So, that's it for me so far with FCP X.... Got to either stick with FCS3, or head to Adobe...

Today I was working on my first FCP project. I did about 3hrs work this afternoon, and then quit for a while. Everything was fine...

Then I launched it again, and did around 3hrs more work. Of course, there's no 'save', so I'm just assuming everything is 'saving' along fine. I noticed that the 'skimming' feature didn't seem to be working anymore, so I quit FCP X, and then re-launched it (no error messages, or anything).

All of a sudden, my project is back to where I FIRST quit 3 hours ago! 3 hours of work just disappeared in 20 seconds!

Can anyone suggest why this may have happened? If I can't trust this software to do something as basic as just SAVE my files, what good is it at all?

Frustratingly yours....

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Old June 23rd, 2011, 06:39 AM   #2
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

I would suggest that you limit your work on FCPX to training yourself with it until the OSX system update shows up. I had some interesting issues that were solved by quiting and restarting and one crash when I tried to delete some media while the program was still analyzing the files. The program is very promising but it's needs real world feedback to Apple before the kinks are ironed out.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 07:00 AM   #3
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

So we truly are just 'beta testers' :(
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 07:19 AM   #4
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

Some of us are, depending on our system configurations. Hardware is not identical across Apple models and sometimes programmers can not foresee what one system will do inconsistently. I say as an official beta tester for several programs over the years. Also FCPX might interact with other programs and third party system enhancements in unexpected ways, this is a fact of computer software everywhere.

As some people recommend, and I adventurously ignored in this situation, never go for version 1 of any program or hardware, always wait for the first set of updates.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 09:24 AM   #5
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...


"never go for version 1 of any program or hardware, always wait for the first set of updates."

The last word on the subject. There seem to be lots of guinea pigs (lemmings) trying out this app for Apple. Nothing wrong with that, but using it for "proper" jobs is a tad foolish at this stage IMO.
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Old June 23rd, 2011, 09:44 AM   #6
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

What's the sound of a lemming? Let me make it. And the water down from the cliff sure looks brisk!

Seriously, I do not regret the purchase as I am sure that the upgrades will be coming. In the meantime I can use the time to learn and be ready to use it when stability is achieved.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old June 24th, 2011, 01:32 AM   #7
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

Originally Posted by William Hohauser View Post
What's the sound of a lemming? Let me make it. And the water down from the cliff sure looks brisk!

Seriously, I do not regret the purchase as I am sure that the upgrades will be coming. In the meantime I can use the time to learn and be ready to use it when stability is achieved.
Why wouldn't you spend the money AND time to learn Premiere Pro CS5 (or 5.5) which is better than FCPX in every way and has been ready for work since its release 18 months ago. Heck, it even allows easy XML importing from FCP 7, something 'X' cannot do. Plus, CS5.5 allows you to set the shortcuts to replicate FCP 7.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 02:58 AM   #8
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

Steve: from what it looks like, Apple is taking a new approach how we deal with media and our edit workflow. It is not ready for production use but can be used to play around and see if you can come to like the "new way". I am disappointed and also skeptical where this all goes. I have downloaded the app, and played with it on a non-production machine, I managed to crash it as well.
However the longer I play the more I can see what could be a new approach to editing.
And would we not all sometimes wish for a reset button to go back to square one and look at a problem fresh? It looks like this is what apple has done. - A very bold move, I think. Courageous. but at the same time they did some really stupid things like removing FCS from the Apple Store... This opens a barndoor for Adobe and Avid. Anyone who needs to set up an edit suite now, has to either buy FCS off Ebay, find a leftover copy at a dealer or, go with Premiere or Avid. The latter however requires a downgrade of your OS to 10.6.6 otherwise it will not work and screw up your system (i.e. Bluetooth)

I would not sell my Apple stock just yet. The "second coming" as some people refer to it might still be happening although in installments...
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Old June 24th, 2011, 03:31 AM   #9
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

Hi Oliver,

I am sorry to say, but there is absolutely zero evidence that Apple intended FCPX to be a 'Pro' app competing in the 'Pro' arena against Avid and Adobe. However, the evidence does exist that Apple wants 'X' to be an easy to use, consumer-ish NLE. I suggest you listen to the podcast over at the cow of Biscardi and Harrington. After about 30 minutes, they present enough evidence which shows Apple really intended it to be iMovie Pro.

To keep using the 'version 1.0' excuse is not looking at all the facts. Just last year, Adobe released 4 64bit re-written programs for BOTH OSX and Windows, and they were ALL useable from Day 1. Plus, the year prior, Adobe released a completely re-written 64bit Photoshop which worked from Day 1.

I wonder how many people have both AE and Photoshop. I bet it is a significant number, which should mean that they probably have one of Adobe's Production suites as it is cheaper than buying AE & PS separately. Thus, many FCP users should already have Premiere Pro. All they probably need is a supported nvidia card for GPU acceleration and they will wonder why they waited so long.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 05:34 AM   #10
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

Originally Posted by Steve Kalle View Post
Premiere Pro CS5 (or 5.5) which is better than FCPX in every way
Steve. Premiere Pro is a wonderful product.

Better in every way?

Here is why I ask:

Originally Posted by Greg Penetrante View Post
So far so good. FCP X exists with FCP 7. I am editing a DSLR project right now. Lots of new stuff to get used to, but the performance is FASTER than my CS5 in terms of trimming, adding effects (what there are) and color correcting...
(That post was taken from this thread: )

So there are three things per that quote which don't quite jell with your statement.

Here's another one. FCP X is better at leveraging THE EXISTING GRAPHICS CARD in a Mac. It is optimized for that. PPro is currently only optimized for Nvidia. So on a MacBook Pro, for example ...

Here are a few other things I was wondering about PPro performance. There are some FCP X features which I will be carefully testing this weekend:
1/ The removal of background noise upon ingest (always been a massive time-waster for me doing it manually in Soundtrack Pro). Does PPro have this feature?

2/ Automatic color balancing between all of the clips (potentially another big time-saver). Does PPro have this?

So there might be another two which can potentially be added to the list.

My immediate impression of FCP X is that it seems a bit like a new Formula One racing car by Adrian Newey (the top designer in F1). It's got an engine and a chassis that seem to be a generation ahead of the current F1 cars. Capable of doing 400 mph down the straight.

But it's as though he's also put an old packing crate to use for a seat and an old rope attached to each wheel with which to steer. Totally unacceptable for an F1 car. Be that as it may, I'm still going to take it for a test drive around the track this weekend. Then I'll make my short and medium term plans.

The crux of it all is how quickly they respond and come out with 10.1, 10.2, etc. Larry Jordan has indicated that there is a team willing to do just that. One DV Info member has posted in another thread that we should not listen to Larry. Well ... gosh.

I'm going to look for myself, think for myself, take it for a test drive for the next 3 days and then decide whether to integrate it into my business or leave it in the garage until a more meaningful revision is issued.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 06:01 AM   #11
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

I will only add that CS5.5 had its interface retooled, and the lag present in CS5 is lessened, at least this is my impression of the trial version, and opinion of a few Colorista users.

But it still does not beat the responsiveness of Premiere on PC, which is instantaneous, and I'm certain on par with FCPX on Mac.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 06:50 AM   #12
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

Originally Posted by Steve Kalle View Post
Why wouldn't you spend the money AND time to learn Premiere Pro CS5 (or 5.5) which is better than FCPX in every way and has been ready for work since its release 18 months ago. Heck, it even allows easy XML importing from FCP 7, something 'X' cannot do. Plus, CS5.5 allows you to set the shortcuts to replicate FCP 7.
Why? Because it is not better than FCPX in every way. I have tried it and couldn't do half of what I could do with FCPX in 15 minutes. With FCPX I could replicate several short FCP 7 projects in a few minutes down to the point of being ready to export. That was not possible with me and Premier. Could you do it? Possibly but for me, repeated attempts to use Premier through Adobe's generous 30 day trial offer have not worked out. In short, I don't like it but to balance this out, I don't like Apple's Motion and use Adobe After Effects instead. Anyway $300 is a bargain for an editing program with the level of power FCPX has and worth the money.

Work with Premier, have fun with Premier, in the end the viewer will not know or care where it came from. Let's stick with the thread topic. Anybody else having crashes or odd saving issues with X?
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old June 24th, 2011, 12:55 PM   #13
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

Like it or not, real BEST PRACTICES is to be able to utilize various workflows on various systems to suit what the client wants (some WILL insist that you use FCPX)

If video editing is really your bread and butter, then you should apready have options. FCPX, Adobe and Avid are cheap enough that you can have all of them.
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Old June 24th, 2011, 05:31 PM   #14
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

Originally Posted by Ben Freedman View Post
So, that's it for me so far with FCP X.... Got to either stick with FCS3, or head to Adobe...

Today I was working on my first FCP project. I did about 3hrs work this afternoon, and then quit for a while. Everything was fine...

Then I launched it again, and did around 3hrs more work. Of course, there's no 'save', so I'm just assuming everything is 'saving' along fine. I noticed that the 'skimming' feature didn't seem to be working anymore, so I quit FCP X, and then re-launched it (no error messages, or anything).

All of a sudden, my project is back to where I FIRST quit 3 hours ago! 3 hours of work just disappeared in 20 seconds!

Can anyone suggest why this may have happened? If I can't trust this software to do something as basic as just SAVE my files, what good is it at all?

Frustratingly yours....

Ben - is FCP-X co-existing on the same boot drive/partition as FCP7? If so, did you carefully follow Apple's guidance on installing them? Finally, have you updted your OS to 10.6.8?

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Old June 24th, 2011, 06:47 PM   #15
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Re: That's it for me - Project work disappeared...

"Ben - is FCP-X co-existing on the same boot drive/partition as FCP7? If so, did you carefully follow Apple's guidance on installing them? Finally, have you updted your OS to 10.6.8?"

Yes.. I did everything the installer told me to do. 10.6.8 didn't exist at the time.

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