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Final Cut Pro X
The latest version of FCP from Apple.

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Old June 21st, 2011, 04:43 PM   #46
MPS Digital Studios
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Snow Leopard is still $29 on Amazon.com, etc.

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Old June 21st, 2011, 04:45 PM   #47
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Can you jump from Leopard to Lion (hah!)?

Sorry, not familiar with all the deeper system stuff. . .where do I find the VRAM info? Do not see it under system profiler.
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Old June 21st, 2011, 04:53 PM   #48
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Great news!

I just got off the phone with the Apple Rep and he referred me to the license agreement for FCP X in the App Store:

Section "2. Permitted License Uses and Restrictions

... you are granted a limited non-transferable license to install and use the Apple Software only on Apple-branded computers that you own or control ...

... you may not distribute or make the Apple software available over a network where it could be used by multiple devices at the same time."

So basically he said (and as backed up in the license agreement) that the computers you own under the same Apple ID can automatically download the same software as you purchased on the initial computer!
So long as they have the same Apple ID and are only used by you.

Added to this, I just found out that Ripple Training have released their new FCP X training (which is "Apple Certified") for only $40, so I'm a very happy camper this morning!
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Old June 21st, 2011, 04:55 PM   #49
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Originally Posted by Josh Bass View Post
Can you jump from Leopard to Lion (hah!)?

Sorry, not familiar with all the deeper system stuff. . .where do I find the VRAM info? Do not see it under system profiler.
Actually, there is speculation you may NEED Snow Leopard to upgrade to Lion via a clean install:

Mac OS X Lion clean install may need Snow Leopard disc | Electronista

That info should be under Graphics/Displays, I believe, in the System Profiler.

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Old June 21st, 2011, 05:01 PM   #50
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Ah. So I have 256 vram then.

Sounds like $129 or so then for both SL and Lion?
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Old June 21st, 2011, 05:13 PM   #51
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Nope, $29 for SL and $29 for Lion. A nice, affordable way to upgrade! Much better than the $129, or so, for one OS, all the way up to Leopard.

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Old June 21st, 2011, 05:47 PM   #52
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Originally Posted by Robert Turchick View Post
Still shocked it's not possible to import FCS projects into FCPX.
Is this confirmed? Is there a link to this info?
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Old June 21st, 2011, 06:22 PM   #53
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

It is confirmed. You cannot open FCP 7 files in FCP X. But you can open iMovie projects. That tells me a lot right there. This is not for facilities level post production.

Final Cut Pro X - A first Look

Great overview by Steve Martin.
David Parks: DP/Editor: Jacobs Aerospace at NASA Johnson Space Center
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Old June 21st, 2011, 06:41 PM   #54
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store


And thanks for the great link, David.

P.S. I guess there's an opening for someone to develop a new plug-in, "FCS Importer". If someone could work it out, it would prove quite lucrative, I reckon. It seems that it would have to make a new FCP X "Project" for each "Sequence" in the old FCS project (because in FCP X the concept of sequences has been done away with as the project itself now functions as your sequence). It would require a bit of genius to solve, but I would certainly buy such a plug-in.
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Old June 21st, 2011, 08:01 PM   #55
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Jon Chappell from Digital Rebellion has a bit of a FAQs page going:

Final Cut Pro X Frequently Asked Questions - Digital Rebellion Blog

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Old June 21st, 2011, 08:21 PM   #56
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Originally Posted by David Knaggs View Post
I guess there's an opening for someone to develop a new plug-in, "FCS Importer". If someone could work it out, it would prove quite lucrative, I reckon. It seems that it would have to make a new FCP X "Project" for each "Sequence" in the old FCS project (because in FCP X the concept of sequences has been done away with as the project itself now functions as your sequence). It would require a bit of genius to solve, but I would certainly buy such a plug-in.

I can see why backward compatibility would be problematic with the new project architecture, but that's not exactly the point.

Yes, it could be very lucrative for a company to develop a plug in, but I have to ask: Why should they have to?

I appreciate that Apple has rebult Final Cut from the ground up. I think everyone agrees that the overhaul was long overdue. There's been a lot of p!$$ing and moaning about what features Final Cut doesn't have, and if Apple is abandoning their pro users. I've remained silent and hopeful, because there's always folks screaming that the sky is falling because Apple tends to be so tight-lipped about their product developments and releases, but this is really a slap in the face.

If Microsoft released a version of Microsoft Word tomorrow that utilized a WHOLE new software architecture and introduced a whole new paradigm for word processing. How useful is it going to be to people who already USE MS Word if it doesn't open ".doc" files?

It's insane, and Microsoft's developers could try to justify it all they wanted to, but it's still insane.

OK...I'm finished ranting. I'll still be damned if I would pay money for a plugin to import a project to an application that technically authored it, (even if in name only.)

SO...what about this: Is there ANY way to import an EDL into FCPX? I've given things a quick look, and I don't see anything, (I know you can't EXPORT EDLS...Once again...WTF?) but what about creating an EDL in Final Cut 7, and bringing it into Final Cut X as a work-around.

Something for you lucky early-adopters to look into ;)

All the best! Thanks to all for sharing all the news/experiences/info/etc!

Daniel G. Trout
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Old June 21st, 2011, 08:27 PM   #57
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

has anybody had any luck with 1080p60 AVCHD? I have a Sony CX700v, and can't seem to get FCPX to recognize the files (as .MTS or ClipWrapped to .MOV). They work if I convert to 1080p30, but QuickTime can play the 1080p60 files so I would expect FCPX to handle them as well.
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Old June 21st, 2011, 08:30 PM   #58
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Kinda feels like Apple is moving out of the business of providing tools for video professionals.

That sucks the big one.

I've been using Adobe CS5.5 for the last couple months, and they are definitely stepping it up. I'm sure they are thrilled with the new Apple release...
Barry Gribble
Integral Arts, IMDB
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Old June 21st, 2011, 08:46 PM   #59
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Avid has got to be throwing a party for themselves right now. VS. Apple countering with a better product for professional post...they ducked and tried to make a new market for themselves. Which they might succeed!! But if all else Avid is breathing a sigh of relief. I predict that their market for feature film and broadcast/commercial post will probably go back up. The truly professional market is a small market..too small for Apple.
David Parks: DP/Editor: Jacobs Aerospace at NASA Johnson Space Center
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Old June 21st, 2011, 09:02 PM   #60
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Re: FCP X Now available to buy and download from App Store

Just a little bit of practicality.
Apple had to make the break somewhere if they were going to move to a 64 bit program that was render free and finally utilized the multi-cores that we've all been buying for a few years.
The reality is you can't run 32 bit files in the new 64 bit world.
It's just like you couldn't put oats in your Model-T when it came time to move on from the horse and buggy.
Maybe not the best analogy but you get the point.
There's going to be some breaking points when you make a pivotal transition and a period of adjustment.
I'm pretty psyched with what I'm seeing overall even though I'm not thrilled that a couple of my systems won;t run it without new cards...again, just part of the change.
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