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Old June 28th, 2007, 11:09 AM   #46
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Full featured Portable Recorder

Hey check out the box I'm working on to record video directly from HDMI, or component for that matter to a small computer. HD, SD, whatever.


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Old August 23rd, 2007, 10:02 AM   #47
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Wireless to Computer ?

Hi everyone, a question for you all.

I have the multi-camera (2) sorted out, plugged in via firewire, no problem. My question is ......

Is it possible to send a wireless SD signal to the firewire on the computer so that we can get up on stage and have free range of moving about without dragging cables around.

Many Thanks for any ideas

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Old September 29th, 2007, 11:49 PM   #48
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can the MCE quickstream DV record HDV?

I found one going cheap but I wanted to check - it's just data right? the Quickstream shouldn't care what type it is - I think?

Cheers - Paul M.
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Old December 9th, 2007, 11:54 AM   #49
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Capturing Live video to a computer

Hi guys,
I was wondering what people were having success with when capturing live to a computer. We were looking at the AJA, Black Magic and Matrox cards. There are times when we will need to record up to 10 hours of video (HD-SDI) , but we would like to record it post switcher. Is a very fast computer running with a HD Card and minimal software to bog down resources going to record sufficiently without dropping frames and getting messed up? What solutions have you guys been using to achieve a "live capture"? By the way, the stream would be a 4:2:2 or full 4:4:4.
Thanks in advance.
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Old January 23rd, 2008, 11:53 AM   #50
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Anyone used the DataVideo DN-300 ?

My dad was sniffing around and came across this Direct-to-disk 250gig DN-300 DV/HDV recorder from a DataVideo Technologies based in Taiwan. It's available as a special order product on B&H, but it only has one review with two stars.

Product Specs here.

I know it doesn't have a battery, but for 250gigs and 18 hours of footage, this has the possibility of being a good alternative to Firestore for the price.

I use a JVC HD110 that outputs HDV 720p. One thing that I'm not clear on about this and other Direct-to-disk recorders is if it will record this format or not. I know Firestore makes a special JVC version, but I guess I just like to have options.

I'm just looking for opinions and information from anyone who has used one, owned one, seen one, bought one and trashed it, owns it and loves it...
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Old January 24th, 2008, 01:27 PM   #51
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tapeless component

Is there some kind of tapeless component acquisition wich goes through a "Cineform like" hard wired plugin ?
this would be great as a simple hard disc could record easily up to 80Mbps ?
According that the cineform aspect/prospect Hd gives files that are twice the size of a HDV (m2t) , why doesnt such hardwares exist ?
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Old January 27th, 2008, 05:30 AM   #52
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Hi Levi, I'm sitting here with a DN-300 beside me - It's on 'demo' loan so I can trial it, however I'm 99% certain i'll buy it. It's very easy to use, works well.
It records in raw .DV, but you can convert to AVI I or II, however this does take almost as long as the initial record time AND requires the same amount of free hard drive space as the footage in order to convert.
I just dropped the raw .DV files on to my Sony Vegas timeline and it works fine - Vegas gets a bit sluggish with the .DV format, but then that could just be my computer. The HD .m2T files work great. I can't confirm if it works with 720p HDV. I tested it on 1080i with a Canon XH-A1.
Manual can be found at: http://www.gdbint.com.au/ProDocument...al_26Nov07.pdf
Perhaps email support at www.datavideo.us and ask them. They have responded very quickly in the past to my technical questions....
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Old January 29th, 2008, 02:53 PM   #53
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Home made DTE - Continued

December 27th, 2007, 02:21 PM :

I read Mr Suthers thread and i must admit its spirit reinforced me to go on with a project i started some weeks ago.
although i did purchase the FS-4 as an of-the-shelf solution i think i will be able to build a portable solution similar to the FS-4 using my electronics engineering skills with the thought of making it as cheep, versatile and open sourced as possible.
my main guidelines are to use an embedded mainboard (Via, ARM...) which i will include the cpu, memory, storage device (hdd or an later to be added solid state memory like CF), a small LCD, some input buttons and firewire connector(s).
i also think of implementing a linux OS to eliminate license issues and i also have some options at hand.
I believe this is quite feasible given the availability of rather simple embedded solutions available at retail and online stores.
i hope this site, with the aid of other users (and i am more than happy to share this whole project with any one who wishes) will help to the completion of this project...
I have already started investigating the firewire issue and am looking for the motherboard, power supply and other peripheral elements mentioned above to get going with it.
so, of course i will gladly hear any comments about the electronics involved, software suggestions (i chose linux because there are may small and effective FREE programs which may be very helpful ) and any thing on your mind for this matter.
Thanks again.


December 30th, 2007, 03:29 AM

I have just received some good news regarding one of the hardware i am considering.
It will be on the market starting the end of January - Via's EPIA-PX motherboard which is a 7cm by 7cm all in one mother board
( http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/ma...erboard_id=472 ).
it includes everything needed except the Firewire port, however i have just received an answer from them as there is an expansion port (which its name was new to me) called "Multimedia Port" and as they wrote - "... it does not include Firewire port" so there is a good chance for this to go.

i wish everyone a good week ahead and a happy new year !!!


January 27th. 2007

Yesterday i have completed my personal POC for a DTE system on a via mini-itx motherboard.
the results are very good - it is very simple implementing linux on the EPIA-M motherboard which has two on-board firewire ports and using Kino's software to capture (with online preview) i got very good results for DV (avi and TS).
i am now looking for a solution for HDV.
I am also in contact with more companies for a solution for the smallest and most suitable hardware for this matter and it seems there are several available.
two issues though - there are not many companies which have firewire solutions for their products which will make me choose the best company and then design an add-on card on my own for that matter which in this case i will add some more features like analog video output, touchscreen i/f, the power supply etc.
the second is finding a decent lcd/tft screen 3.5" to 5" - it seems these sizes are not too common so further investigation is required ...

ok, that's it for now, will post again with news when have some... will appreciate any comment.
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