BBC Norfolk Film Festival - 'A Spare Hour in King's Lynn' (Canon 7D) at
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Old October 12th, 2010, 01:11 AM   #1
BBC Norfolk Film Festival - 'A Spare Hour in King's Lynn' (Canon 7D)
Andy Wilkinson Andy Wilkinson is offline October 12th, 2010, 01:11 AM

The BBC are now showing one of my films on the 60 ft screen at Fusion, inside The Forum in Norwich (UK) as part of the BBC Norfolk Film Festival. They saw it on Vimeo and asked me if I'd like to submit it.

They started screening yesterday and is basically running through until the end of October (every day except Sunday). Admission is free.

I'm hoping to make the informal gathering with the other contributing filmmakers being arranged there this weekend. Maybe I'll see some of you "7Ders" there? I must say I've got more than a bit of trepidation to see my film on such a big screen (bearing in mind the limitations of using a 7D with this kind of subject's all cobble streets, roof tiles and hand held...!) and I shot the whole thing in just 45 minutes, just killing time before a meeting. I'd have spent a bit longer shooting and editing it if I'd have known this was going to happen! (and in truth would have taken my EX3 too). But the best camera is always the one you happen to have with you, so in this case it was just my 7D and the Canon 17-55 F2.8 IS lens it happened to have on. More info in the Vimeo/YouTube video descriptions.

For those of you in or near Norwich, why not drop in and see some of the 40 plus films. There is also more information about the event on this BBC News website page (and a link through to The Forum on that page):

BBC - BBC Norfolk Film Festival features wildlife documentary

For those further from these shores you can watch it on YouTube, link below:

YouTube - King's Lynn "Quickie" (Canon 7D - HD Video)

Or Vimeo below:

Andy K Wilkinson -
Cambridge (UK) Corporate Video Production

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