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Old August 18th, 2010, 06:46 PM   #1
Does this need more?
Darren Lee Darren Lee is offline August 18th, 2010, 06:46 PM

Hey guys
I did this music video, originally it was planned to have a visual narrative of the lyrics as well as the performance piece but my workload has got out of hand.

I thought the video worked well as it is just as a performance piece. So far it's got positive reviews and I've been asked by 3 artists today if I'd do music videos for them.

2 people have said it's too boring and not enough happening so it's making me question if I should shoot the visual narrative despite my workload.

YouTube - Aaron Shanley Ft. Allie Bradley - Let the Sun in

Darren Lee
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Old August 19th, 2010, 12:46 PM   #2
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It's your call

It's up to you. What you've shot here looks great, and I can see why this has netted you a few more requests from musicians. I can't entirely disagree with the people who said it was a tad boring, though. The song -- as beautiful as it is -- is quite simple, and that doesn't help hold people's attention. (Especially not on YouTube, where a farting bunny is always just a click away.)

Assuming that you're doing this for friends and it's not a contractual issue, I'd be tempted to leave it alone and keep moving forward with those new projects. When things slow down, you can always go back.

I have a tendancy to tweak the hell out of things, which always slows me down and keeps me from the next project. If you're happy and the artist is happy, you've done your job. You're never going to please everybody.
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Old August 24th, 2010, 01:00 AM   #3
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Unfortunately these threads don't get much activity anymore, I guess everyone has moved on from the 7D.

That was shot very well, it was very slow, however, sometimes things are slow. This was a very slow song and sure you could speed the pacing up with a narrative interpretation of the song but I agree with David, I'd leave it the way that it is. That song and the artist performance just didn't have a lot of energy. That's not to say their performance or the song is bad, just very low key. You know, that profound artsy thing...

I think you'll improve more by doing more, not so much from re-doing something. For what its worth I think you all did a great job.
Chuck Spaulding is offline   Reply

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